Just For Me (part two)

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July 16th, 2016

*might actually turn this into a book. I guess I just liked the plot I came up with with the before chapter. Idk. Let me know*

Your POV

My father was looking for me. My father was looking for Jason. Fool. Jason and I left that miserable town and moved to California. A whole country away after three months of hiding together. I couldn't go home that night. I knew I had to protect Jason. No matter of what he had done or had been accused of, he saved my life.

Anything could've happened to me that night.

Jason insisted that we tell no one who we are. Even though we are in a different country, word spreads like wild fire about a missing girl and a wrongfully accused criminal. We have seen our faces on television and in drug stores. Drawn portrait of Jason and the most recent photo of me. Which was my junior year photo.

I was different then. Naive. Always followed mommy and daddy's rules. I was too good for my own good. Jason taught me how to be tough. How to be rebellious. He thinks I shouldn't take after what he is. He thinks it's dangerous that I'm even around him. But along the way, it comes in handy.

He gets mad at me occasionally. For the smallest littlest things. For a while, I was scared of him. I'd cower and come to his every beckon call. I'd do everything he asks of me.

But he would never hurt me. Lay a dangering finger on me. No matter how angry he could get, he would never put his hands in me in a harmful way.

And all this, all that we've been through together, I have fallen for him. I'm falling do hard for him and I font know if he feels the same.

Every once in a while, he'd flirt and compliment me. He'd look at me with hungry, desiring eyes and I'd wish he would do something. But he never does.

"Jason! I'm ordering pizza!" I hollered into the other room.

"Pepperoni! And order some wings too!" He yelled back.

After ordering the pizza and wings I walked into the living room where Jason sat there with no shirt. I could just imagine all the unholy things I could do to him right now. I shook my head shaking the thought away then took a seat next to him like it was the most casual thing. I wish I could just walk around with no shirt and not give a fuck.

"How much did the pizza come out to?" He asks. Random. He never really cares about the cost of something. "Twenty dollars plus tip." I answered. We've resorted to just cash. Jason said that if we used Debit or Credit cards, the system can track where we are.

"I'm bored," he huffs. "Then do something." I giggled. He's so random. "Do something with me," he suggests. "Like what?" "I don't know. Something." He shrugs.

"Umm, we can go-"

"I don't want to go anywhere." He whines playfully. I look at him confused, "Jase, what do you want to do then?"

"I can think of a few things," he smirks. I rolled my eyes. I know where this is going and it won't get any where.

He pinned me to the couch and rested his weight between my legs. This is new. "What are you doing?" I asked.

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