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Shuffling and glass shattering woke me up. It's three in the morning. I grabbed Jason's baseball bat and exited my room. Dumb, I know. But I'm not willing to die without a fight.

I creeped down the stair case quietly and I heard drunken mumbling. It was Jason. He was laughing to himself, telling himself to shush so he doesn't wake me. I shook my head. This is the fourth night Jason decided to come home super late.

"Dammit Jason," I muttered to myself. I set the bat down and made my way to Jason. "Shhh, Y/n can't know that I'm home late." He slurs. He reeks of liquor and cigarettes. "Jason, what the hel-" "shh! Y/n will be mad and I don't want her mad." He pressed his index finger to his lips.

"Jason, you're drunk," I said.

"I know, angel." He tells me.

Angel? "Angel? Jason, I'm Y/n," I said.

"Y/n is an angel though. She's brilliantly perfect and absolutely beautiful. You look a lot like her, you know. Kind of want to kiss you but you're not my baby."

I sighed. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

"Do you think Y/n will be mad at me?" He mumbles sadly. Kind of broke my heart hearing the sadness in his voice.

"Probably. She worries about you when you're always out,"

"Well, I hope she isn't. I do it all for her safety. I have to keep my angel safe." He mutters. This piqued my interest. What does he do? "What are you talking about Jason?"

"Him. He wants her and I won't let him have her. I'll kill him before he even gets his hands on her. She's mine." He slurs. "It's all my fault she's involved with me. I sometimes think about her and wonder why she loves someone like me."

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Christopher. He's trying to take her from me. Over my dead body, he'll never have my baby girl."

Who is Christopher? What is Jason involved with?! All these thoughts flurried in my head.

"I love her, and I never tell her because I'm scared she'll leave me. I don't mean to be an asshole jerk to her, God I hate it when she's hurt because of me." He mutters. Little sobs hickuped from him.

"Jason! You're bleeding!" I flinched thinking I hurt him.

"I know. I got a in a fight. Just, don't tell Y/n. Please. She'll be even more mad."

"There is no covering it up, babe- Jason." I quickly recover. He doesn't know that I'm me.

"You're a good friend," he slurs. Getting up the final step, I helped him to our room. I helped him get undressed- well- tried to. He's convinced that I'm not who I am and that I would be mad if some other girl undressed him.

I have to admit. I love how loyal he is to me, no matter how hammered he is.

As soon as he passed out, I went to the restroom and took out a bottle of pain killers and filled a glass with tap for him to take in the morning because I know the headache will be a pain in the ass.

I wanted to clean his wounds, but he was passed out. He's going to be hurting so much in the morning and I couldn't help but think about how my life has come to what it is now. How did I end up falling in love with a criminal?

He's no criminal to me. He's not even psychotic. And that's what's wrong with me. I know he's a criminal but I also know he's the most kind man and has a heart of gold. I see the good in him and I refuse to continue to see the bad. He isn't bad at all.

He has his moments, but don't we all?

"I love you, Jason." I whispered before pressing a kiss to his chin. I cuddled up to him and found warmth. His soft snores and breathing made me giggle because whenever he's like this, he had dreams. He has dreams where he talks in his sleep. He says the most strange things.

"Let me love you right," he mumbles.

I look up assuming he was asleep. But no. His eyes were opened slightly.

"Please, Y/n. Let me love you the way you deserve to be loved. I love you so much and I just want you to feel loved back," he rasps. He moves round then hisses.

"Jason, you're hurt." I whispered.

"I know baby. I'm sorry I keep hurting you." He mumbled kissing my forehead. I lulled the covers over the both of us. "Wait, can you help me get out of these clothes? They're getting uncomfortable." He asks.

I giggled then crawled out of bed to help him take off his clothes. First his socks, then his pants, which by the way were a bitch to get off of him. He slipped out of his jacket and T shirt.

His arms open widely, "come cuddle," he gushes. "I don't want to hurt you, you're bruised."

"My heart will be bruised if you don't come cuddle me. I just want to cuddle you," he mumbles. I caved because I can never give up his warmth. I softly crawled into bed with him, making sure not to hurt him. "I'll be fine baby, relax." He says wrapping his arms around me. I brought up the warm duvet to cover the both of us.

"I love you too, Y/n." He pressed a kiss to my head before I nuzzles further into him.

I love him deeply.

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