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Thursday Sept. 22, 2016

I lay flat on my stomach scrolling through old messages between Justin and I. I smile a bit feeling the same blush I felt months ago when I received these.

Mine 😍❤

Sup cupcake


I know you don't like being called babe so...

Awh you remembered?

I remember a lot of what you say, Y/n. Like you don't like mustard because it tastes like acid, you hate the color orange because it reminds you of jail jumpsuits lol, you like a light shade of purple close to a soft lavender.

No ones really ever paid attention to me like that ☺ I'm so boring and have no life

Trust me, you're not boring. If you were mine, you'd be spoiled, you'd be treated like the queen you are. I'd treat you right.

I bet your boyfriend doesn't know your favorite color

Justin, you know how I feel about you talking about him... He's not a bad guy at all. He might have a temper, everyone does but he's a good guy.

😒 oh baby girl, you couldn't be any more wrong

How am I wrong? Please enlighten me on how I'm wrong about my boyfriend

He only wants you for sex. Y/n I know him. He flirts with other girls, touch them. God knows what else he does. I've seen him lash out on you when you don't give him what he wanted. He is the biggest asshole on the planet.

Y/n you know I would treat you so much better.

I ignored him for a week before I texted him. I needed his help.

Mine 😍❤


I need you

Can you come get me from Erica's party?

I caught him with Sabrina.

You were right and I'm sorry for being a bitch.

You awake?

Yeah I'm awake. I'll be there in 10

I'm sorry if I woke you up 😢 I just didn't know who else to contact

He left me on read that night. I remember thinking he wasn't going to come for me, I was worried but all my worries slipped away when I saw his black BMW roll up to the front of the house.

That week, I saw my ex boyfriend with a black eye and a bruised nose. Justin had got to him for hurting me, which wasn't necessary at all but still well appreciated.

He continued to try for me until I told him I wasn't ready for another relationship. I mean, I couldn't stop Justin from wanting me, that was on his own accord. I just never understood why Justin wanted me. I mean, I was in highschool. I was a senior in high school and he was a college hockey player. I only met him through my ex boyfriend.

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