friendly neighbor

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Honestly, trying to figure out Justin is like solving a rubix cube blind. One minute he's friendly the next he's arrogant and cocky then routes back around to flirty. His mood swings are giving me whiplash.

I had been with my dad for five days. And within those five days, I've been bored out of my mind as well as horny as fuck. Justin teases me without touching me. He fucks me without touching me. I'm getting quite tired of him playing with my mind.

I'm getting tired of playing with myself. It's not enough.

Dear diary

No. Not diary, Self.

Dear self,

Where do I start? Three months ago, my dad caught my mom in the middle of an affair. I was coming home from a friends house. I was walking up the pathway to the front door when my dad stormed out in a rush not really acknowledging me. He was angry and looked like he was on a mission.

I can't forget the look that was on his face. The car sped off before I could even process what was happening. Then I looked toward the front door where my mom stood, sobbing and only wrapped in her bed sheets.

Then it hit me; my mom fucked another man behind my dad's back. I was angry. Hurt. Sad for the most part. I treated her like shit. I even tried to hurt her and make her feel what I felt.

I got over it. I think. It still bothers me. I don't think I'll ever be used to this- switching parents every two weeks- or so i thought. Maybe I can.

My dad's neighbor, Justin, lives down the hall of my dad's condo. I don't even know if I could describe him but in the quickest sense, he's gorgeous. Justin has this vibe that gives off sex. He's a walking, talking, breathing human form of all things sex. The second we made eye contact, my heart plummeted to my ass. Not really, but he had a strong effect on my mind and body.

I can't write about him anymore. God Damn it. Now I'm flustered and he's on my mind again. His hands, his eyes, his lips,

 His hands, his eyes, his lips,

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His body... I could only imagine what it feels to have his hands all over me, his body heat.

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