I Can Fix That...

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July 15th, 2016

Justin was pacing back and forth around the room. Someone had pissed him off today and he's trying not to take it out on you. You, being the kind and caring girlfriend you are, you tried to calm him down.

"Justin, please. Calm down," you say softly. You watched as his figure kept walking in circles, mumbling under his breath. You sighed. "Justin, babe please sit down," "Y/n, I love you, but please let me have my moment. Leave the room please." He spoke lowly, looking you died in the eye. He tried to seem intimidating, but his predictable tactics don't scare you anymore. If anything, it's a damn turn on.

You huffed, "swear to God, Justin if you don't sit down ad talk to me about it-" "what, Y/n?! What are you going to do? Leave? Cheat? As if I haven't been through enough!" He snapped.

That pissed you off. It stung that he would think so low of you. That he would dare to ever think that you'd hurt him in such a manner. You stood up from the bed, "so that's what this is about?" You asked, baffled he would dare. "first of all," you grit, taking a stand in front of him, "how dare you think that low of me! I would never ever think of doing that to you. I'm not your ex's, Justin. And secondly, I am here for you! I am hear to listen to you and be there when you need it. And third, if you didn't fucking cut me off, you would have heard what I said." I spat. He was silenced. He looked at you with glum and sorry eyes. His he was clenched and his eyes were about ready to shed a tear.

You know how sensitive he is, and you know how he doesn't take well to sudden outbursts, even if he does it himself. He can never get too mad without feeling like he's going to cry about it. Not that he's a cry baby, he just hates conflict and arguing.

"I was going to punish you by not having sex with you but it looks like you need it to stop being such a crabby ass to me," you mumbled before you pushed him onto the bed. This took him by surprise. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"You, my lovely, are going to tell me what the fucked happened today. Don't worry about what I'm doing," you say with a sly smirk as you unbuttoned, unzipped his jeans and tugged them down his legs. You crawled over his legs leaving a trail of open mouth kisses along his abs and chest as you pulled his shirt up off him.

"Start talking," you muttered against his lips before kissing them. You palmed him through his boxers earning a soft groan emit from his lips. "Uh-hh," he stutters. You continued to softly palm his growing cock teasingly, waiting for him to speak up. He swallows, "Y/n, shit, harder," his hand presses to yours adding more pressure then you whipped you hand away, "no! This is my punishment to you. You don't tell me what to do. All you get to do is tell me what happened today. Now talk!" You stripped off your shirt (well, his T-shirt you happened to be wearing) then took off your shorts. You climbed on top of him, straddling his lap, slowly rubbing yourself against him.

"R-rumors, babe. I l-let them get the best of me," he tried so hard to contain himself, but the way you moved against him, he couldn't concentrate. All he could think about was you and what you were doing to him.

"Mhmm," you hummed as you kissed his neck, "what rumors?" You asked softly as you trace the tip of your tongue down his chest, peppering kisses down his tone stomach reaching the hem of his Calvin's. "Those pictures of you and Khalil together," he says making eye contact with you. You raise your eyebrows for him to continue. Your hand reached up to his throbbing cock and gave it a light squeeze. He grunted, "fuck."

You sit up and unclasped your bra, letting the straps fall down your shoulders, "and?" You held your bra in place and awaited his answer.

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