Little Taste

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August 5th, 2016

Justin's POV

Y/n stood close to me as we walked the streets of LA. It was as normal as we could be. If only those pesky paperazzi's could leave us alone, that would be great. Them and their stupid questions and assumptions really bother me, but doesn't seem to phase her at all.

I mean, she is fairly new to the lights of stardom. She's taking it pretty well, including all the hate and false accusations. She simply ignores it, though I know well enough that it bothers her a little.

"Y/n, Justin! Are you two dating?"

"Are you two a thing?"

Clicking cameras and a million questions bombarded the two of us. Seriously, can't a guy and a girl hang out with out people assuming things? "Come on guys, how many photos do you need?" I asked annoyed. Y/n's dainty little hand smacked my arm. Not that it hurt, just caught me off guard. "Just ignore them, Justin." She smiles, but it wasn't genuine.

I did as she suggested and continued to walk. There were still some camera shutter noises. Each time got even more and more annoying. "Justin? You okay?" Y/n's soft voice asks. I ease up. How does she do that? "Yup. Let's go inside," I pull open a restaurant door to avoid anymore photos.

"Hi- woah! You're Justin Bieber!" The hostess squeals. I nodded with a smile. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this!" I wanted to frown at her but I didn't. I couldn't be rude. I wasn't allowed to according to my manager. As much as I wish to do as I please, I can't because it'll make me look bad.

"Justin? Come on," y/n's hand grabbed mine leading me the way to the table. Just a simple touch and my nerves falter. I don't know how she does it, but I like it. A lot.

"What's up with you? You've been blanking out a lot today. You okay?" She asks looking me dead in the eyes. I wanted to lie and tell her I'm fine, bit at the same time I wanted to rant and vent to her. "I'm fine, Y/n," I smiled.

She knew I was lying because she gave me me his look that she wasn't buying it. I sighed, "I'm tired is all. I'm completely fine." I elaborated hoping it was more believable. She just looks at me. I know she knows. And that's what I adore about her. She knows when something is up. "Okay," she gives me a weak smile before looking over the menu.

After we ordered, we talked. About our past, life, vacations and even random videos Shea seen on YouTube. I don't know when it for to that point, but she knows how to carry out a good conversation. I've always had a thing for girls who could carry out a conversation and keep it a good one. A memorable one.

"I just think that it's unfair, ya know? How people are so quick to judge. So quick to assume things. Good or bad. As if it's any of their business to be in someone else's." She sighs. "But I guess that is how life is now. Famous or not."

I smiled as she stirred the straw around in her iced tea. She looks up as she realized I wasn't saying anything. "What? Why are you smiling like that?" Her cheeks blush a light pink.

"You're just so mesmerizing. Simply a beautiful person." I spoke my mind. Her cheeks turned a brighter pink which made me smile wider, "are you blushing?" I asked teasingly.

"You're something else, Bieber." She laughs lightly.

"I'm only being honest." I defended.

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