Who's Shawn Mendes?

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I have a secret... that I'm about to share with all of you.

To be honest, it's not really a secret it's just an insecurity I've kept to myself because I truly was afraid of what people might think... that you wouldn't accept me... That God wouldn't accept me. I've learned the way of God and my God, Jesus Christ, loves me for who I am. Some may see differently, but I don't care what they think. I know who I am and they don't like it, so be it. I've dealt with far worse hate. I can't help being who I am. I just try to be a better man for my family, my friends and myself. I love you guys more than anything and some of you've been there for me since day one; on the good days and through the bad...

I'm bisexual. I love women; women are smart, complicated but compassionate, brave, and beautiful. I love men; men are strong, passionate, stubborn but hot as hell so it makes up for it.

I love who I am and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Love is love. Love always wins.

- Justin Bieber


"Canadian pop star, Justin Bieber, just came out of the closet! We love you just the same! #GayPride #LGBT"

"Justin Bieber is Gay?!"

"Justin Bieber is a faggot. Rot in hell you twink!"

"I knew it!"

"what a fag!"

"Theo James and Justin Bieber threesome with me????"

"God doesn't love you. yours going to hell you faggot!"

"come suck me off, daddy"

"fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus!"

"I'm proud of you for staying true to yourself! you're so brave for this, Justin. I love you!"

"I had a feeling... I'm glad you've finally decided to come join us fellow gays"

"I'm a lesbian, but like, Justin can have this pussy any day"


Sitting, Justin exited Instagram. He promised not to delete the post. It took a lot of nerve to post it in the first place. He felt he needed to get something of his chest so that is what he did; he felt anxious before and relieved after.

But that anxiety came back when his mother's name came across his screen. Nervously, he slid the green answer button across the screen, "hi mom..."

"Honey, is it true? Are you gay?" her voice asks. He couldn't read her time due to the hesrt beat he heard in his ear.

"uh... uhm," he stumbles, "I still love girls mom... I still find girls attractive," he says.

"but honey.. do you find men.. sexually attractive?" she elaborates her questions.

His heart raced, he felt jittery. "y-yes. I do." he states so bravely but nervous at the same time, "but mom I'm bi. I love both... I found love in both women and men."

"Oh honey... I love you the same. You are my son and I love you no matter who you love. And I will love your husband the same way I would love your wife. I don't care whom you love and marry, son. As long as you're happy. And also as long as it isn't that she who must not be named...." Pattie continued on after shuttering at the mere thought of seeing the she devil with her beloved son again, "honestly, I kinda quite hoped you were a slight bit gay.. I would rather you be with a man that'll make you happy than see you with that money hungry-"

"mom, I get it... I promise you it's over between her and I. No need to get worked up on it. All is forgiven by me, so it should be good with you." Justin spoke.

"okay... I'm sorry, forgive my outburst... she's done you no good-"


"okay, okay... fine.... so... Who's the man that made your heart beat fast? is he famous? is he nice? have I met him?" Pattie lurks.

Justin smiled at the ridiculous conversation, "I can't believe I'm having a conversation about boys with my mom..." a pink blush crept his cheeks as the boy with beautiful hazel nut eyes and deep chestnut hair and a smile that could sweep him right of the ground.

"can't say I've never thought I'd see the day..." his mom giggles, "so? who is he?"

"well, he's Canadian, too.." Justin hints.

"Drake? huh.. I guess that makes sense... he's such a sensitive man-"

"no, ma," Justin laughs, "Not Drake. He's straight as a meter stick. He's not into guys..." Justin felt really weird talking about his friend like that.

"Is it Abel? That would be quite the header," his mom laughs hysterically while Justin sat on the other line rolling his eyes.

"mom, it's Shawn."


"Yes, Shawn. Shawn Mendes."

"Shaw- Who's Shawn Mendes?"

Justin's jaw dropped, "How do you not know who Shawn Mendes is, mom? He's an amazing singer, has a beautiful smile and his eyes are just so.... so..... enchanting! Theyre brown but sometimes they look foresty green.. God, I could get lost in them..."

" Oh! Shawn Mendes with the goofy eye that got famous for singing on vine?"

"Yes, mom- wait! that's not nice!" Justin laughs. He felt relieved and happy his mom accepts him. as if a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He talked to his mother for a good twenty more minutes.

"I love you, Justin. Never forget that, okay?"

"I love you, too, ma." a content smile across his happy face.

The line cut. He received maybe a thousand messages or more from everyone and anyone for interviews.

"Hey kid. Proud of ya, bud. You're still a rockstar in my eyes." - Scooter

"Call me" - Dad

"Give me a call when you get this. I've got a confession to say as well," -Selena

"so... does this mean you're down for a threesome?" - Unknown

Cringing just a bit, he blocked and deleted the random number. Threesome? Definitely. With random stranger? Absolutely the fuck not.


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