Just For Her

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July 16th, 2016

Jason's POV::

Leaning against a wall outside of a bar, I took a puff from my cigarette. Damn thing taste like shit, but it's something to numb away today's events. The weather was icy cold and you could see my breath in the air.

The sound of heels clicking against the ground caught my attention. I look up and there was a young girl walking along the sidewalk with her head held down and her hands in her jacket pockets. It's late and deadly dark out, so what is a young girl like herself doing in the streets alone?

Something didn't feel right in my gut so I frowned followed far behind her so she doesn't get spooked. I kept a fair distance.

When she crossed an alley way and was about to turn, she turned back and walked faster. Her little heels cladded against the cold concrete and I knew she was running from something.

Three men walked out of the alley and followed the girl, drunk laughing and hollering at her. This made my blood boil. I was angry with the way these men treating a girl as if she's some whore. Some sort of animal. I slowly caught up trying not to make myself known.

"Aye baby! Come over here! Just wanna talk," one chuckled. His little band of dogs behind him snickered and took another swig of their alcohol. One grabs her. "Just leave me alone," she begs. "No one is around, baby. Come on, just a little fun is all we want." She sounded like a wounded puppy. That's it.

"Aye! I think the girl said to leave her alone." I barked. All three pigs turned around and snarled. "Leave us be, we're just playing with her." One laughed. "Isn't that right?" He faced her and dragged his finger down her face. She grimaced in disgust.

"Let her go, she's just a girl." I said.

"Or what, pretty boy? What are you going to do?" He smiled deviously.

"I really had a hard day and I don't feel like killing anyone, so just let the girl go then you all can be on your way." I said. I'm honestly just too fucking tired to dispose of bodies.

"You won't do shit, so be on your way and we'll rake care of the girl."

"Please help me!" She whimpered.

"I really didn't want to do this," and I mean I really didn't want to do this. I took out my gun, cocked it and pointed it at one of them. "I'm going to tell you one more mother fucking time, let the girl go!"

No one made a move so I pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the guys knee and he fell instantly, crying like a little bitch. The girl was shoved forward into me, she stumbled and fell into my chest. I fired two more warning shots. Into the other guys heads.

She flinched at the noises, and the sound of her weeping against my chest made my heart falter. "You okay?" I asked her. She was shaking viciously. I didn't know what to do now. It just got awkward for me.

So I hugged her. She whimpered, "please don't hurt me,"

"I'm not going to hurt you." I promised. "You killed them," she says looking up. Her eyes were glistening in the small amount of light that sheads across the glum streets. Black was smeared all over her cheeks. I felt bad. I scared her. She flinched when I reached my hand up to her face, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. "I did. And I'm sorry you had to see that. You shouldn't be walking around here alone at night."

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