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Justin's POV

Coming home from a long day, I really expect my wife to be home. I just need her home for once when I'm home. It's like she's never home anymore, she practically lives at her office now, and it's so fucking lonely here.

Seeing a silver car parked outside my home, I knew for damn sure that wasn't hers. My heart pounded in my chest, my blood boiling and I'm sure my anger was evident; my face felt hot, my palms started to sweat. Parking directly behind the car, I checked the license plate seeing a series of numbers and letters I didn't recognize.

So many thoughts swirled in my mind and my mind conjoured up the worst thoughts possible. Is she cheating on me? Is she leaving me? This couldn't be a new car, so who's is this? I had half a mind to slash the tires and smash the windows but the only sanity I felt I had left told me not to.

Storming into the house, I saw my kids piled in front of the television with a young girl, merely fifteen years old, watching my kids. "Daddy!" The boys screeched eagerly causing a smile to form on my lips. My boys are my happiness. With my son's hugging me and telling me they missed me, I couldn't help but smile at them but lock eye contact with the girl in my living room.

"Mr. Bieber, your wife told me you'd be home by nightfall, it's only six." She spoke up. She definitely didn't sound fifteen.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. How rude of me. I'm Y/n. Mrs. Bieber hired me to babysit the boys while you both work and until one of you come home." She smiles nervously. "I assumed she told you, I guess she rushed. She seemed really busy." She looked down at her twiddling fingers timidly. Am I scaring her?

"Oh, I see." I nodded, "how old are you?" I asked curiously.

"I'm nineteen, sir. I'm fully capable of taking care of infants, toddlers and tweens. I have quite the big family and I love kids, so- I'm babbling. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Y/n. That's a good trait to have; family oriented. Gotta love spending time with your family, yes?" Something about her my my cock twitch, making me shake the mere thought of her being legal age to fuck senseless out of mind. And there it goes again. Fuck me.

"Of course. Family is number one most important to me." She stated proudly, "You have a very beautiful home, Mr. Bieber. And your boys are absolute great company. Smart boys." She admired my kids and my cock stirs again. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Thank you, Y/n." I said as casually as I could. Ignoring the pain beneath my belt, I watched her mannerisms. I noticed her discomfort during the awkward silence and I ached to hear her voice again, I, for myself, didn't know how to approach properly without growling or coming off as a pervert.

"I- should I go?" She pointed her thumb behind her, unsure of what to do. Trust me, I don't know either.

"No, you don't have to go. Stay for dinner, I'm sure my wife will be home tonight." I smiled at the thought of my wife coming home, then frowned that it was only hope for her to come home. "Excuse me, I got to make a call. Boys, go wash up quickly. I'll be back in a moment to start making dinner."

"Oh, I, uh, I kind of already started making dinner, I got bored and started cooking. I hope you don't mind." 

"You did?" I asked.

"Well, I'm marinating some chicken and made white rice and vegetables as side dishes. I wasn't sure when either of you were to come home and I was told strictly that the boys are to be in bed by 8:30. 9 o'clock at the latest. Which reminds me, I need to start cooking the chick-"

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