Babysit. "Baby, sit."

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June 24th, 2016

A few years ago, I baby sat this boy named Justin. I'm just a few years older than he was. I was fifteen years old when I had started baby sitting ten year old Justin. I watched over him for two years, then I moved away with my mom because of her nasty divorce with my dad.

Today's a family reunion party. Everyone in out life has been invited thanks to my moms constant reminders and posts of the reunion. I don't understand why I still have Facebook. It's so dead.

I was helping her set up for the barbecue. Uncle Richard and his husband are cooking up the grilled goods tonight. Their relationship is goals.

I want into the kitchen and set up the adult beverages on the island and children safe drinks on the dining table with all the vegetable and fruit platters along with the chips and dip, the meat and cracker platter, and the goodies. Bet that he adults would have at it at the vegatavles. Knowing kids.... Especially mine.

"Mommy!" Her little legs ran into the kitchen with me. "Hi baby," I bent over and picked her up, "you look like a princess, baby doll," I kissed her cheek. "Nana helped me." She smiled. My mom spoils my daughter too much.

"Ariah, baby where- oh, you went to mommy to show off your new dress?" She cooes. "Yeah! Mommy loves it, huh mommy?" She smiles at me. "Of course baby. You look absolutely beautiful. Because of me of course," I joke.

Her dad isn't around. Hell, I will never allow her around her biological father for as long as she lives. That's right, I'll be there to stop him in the after life too. He was a drunk night mistake. Stuck around because he pitied me. I dumped him as soon as I learned he was mooching off me, freeloading. So I moved back to Canada with my daughter to start a new life back at home.

"Honey, the guests will be here shortly." She says and as if on cue, the doorbell rings for our first house guest.

The house was getting full. Family and distant relatives were catching up. The kids played in the backyard.

I stood outside watching my daughter run around with her cousins. Laughing at whatever triggered it. I miss being a lid sometimes. Have no worries in the world.

"Babe, you're supposed to grill it for five minutes on each side, not ten on one side." Uncle 'diva' Richard whines at Erick. I laugh at them bickering about the grilled chicken.

"What are you laughing at?" Erick smiles. "You guys are so cute. I admire it." I tell them simply.

"Awh, baby. We try," Erick sasses with a smile. He is a real cutie. Richard is lucky to have someone just as diva as he is.

I walk away, considering the conversation was short. Making my way to the kitchen, I pour myself a small glass of spiked pink lemonade. Just a little booze won't be bad right?

"Y/n?" A deep male voice vocalized. It was music to my ears. I turned around and there before me was a handsome man. His features carved by the Greek sex Gods above. I almost drooled. "Yeah?" I asked coming back to my senses.

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