Mr. Bieber's Sitter (part two)

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July 13th, 2016

I've worked for Justin for three weeks now. At least once or twice a week, I ended up staying the night due to his late shifts. Currently, I'm sitting next to Jase as he played the piano keys. He sounds like a typical moderate pianist.
"Ugh! I don't want to do this," he pouts. "Come on Jase, you know how to do it," his instructor says.

"I said I don't want to do it, I didn't say I didn't know how to," he sasses. That shocked me. He's never outbursted like that before. "Jase, be polite. She's only trying to help," I say softly.

"No, when no one is around, she's mean." He fesses up. "She yells and tells me what to do, I don't like her and daddy doesn't listen to me." He crosses his arms and pouts. I look up at the instructor to see if I could get something out of her. She shrugs, "he's a bratty child."

"He's a child. He's not going to know any better. You may leave now. The hour is up," I tell her. She huffs and left. "Don't expect to come back, because I will be telling Justin what's been going on," I hollered.

Justin was coming home early today, so he'll be around for dinner. We're having chicken Parmesan with a side salad. Jase was watching TV as I prepared as usual, not that I mind.

"Daddy!" Jase screeches. "Aye! Buddy! I missed you today! Something smells good. What's cookin', good lookin'?" He asks entering the kitchen.

"Food," I answered.

"Well, yeah. But what kind of food?" He asks hovering over me. Jase giggled in his arms.

"Mind blowing, good food." I answered. He shales his head. "She always makes good food, daddy. She's good." Jase poses. I laughed then focused back on cutting the chicken.

"Hey, go watch TV." Justin puts Jase down; his little legs running towards the living room. As soon as Jase was out of sight, Justin's arms wrapped around my waist, "need any help?" His chin rested on my shoulder.

Yes. Justin flirts a lot. And I mean A LOT. He gets handsy but never crosses any boundaries. Leaves sneaky comments that I understand but Jase doesn't. He makes me blush often and gets me all riled up, but he never does anything.
"Yeah, if you could please cut the rest of the chicken so I could prepare the salad?" I asked ignoring his embrace. "Sure," he says then takes my place.

*** next night ***

I got an emergency text from Justin telling me he has a late shift he forgot about so I needed to be over there to make sure Jase goes to bed. So tieedly, I didn't give a rats ass about my wardrobe. Simple grey sweat pants and a white sweater shoved on over a sports bra. My hair was a raggedy mess bun.

Since I had a key, I opened up the front door. I ran up to Jase's room and he wasn't in there. Bizarre. It's way passed his bed time.

I walked back down stairs, looking for Jase. "Justin?" I found him with his head in the fridge. He pops out and smiles. "Y/n, hey. I didn't hear you come in," he says. I couldn't help but stare. He was in only sweats. He was drinking from his water bottle - which I desperatelt needed. My eyes traveled from his chest to his abs to the V line that points down to his ...

"Um," I cleared my throat, "where's Jase? And why aren't you-" "Jase is at his mother's." He answers.

"Oh? Then why-"

"You know why you're here, sweet heart." He stood tall before me, my back hitting against a wall. "I know what you texted me, but I get the feeling that you, um, lied?" I gulped.

He brought his hand up, slowly tracing his index finger down my cheek, "so innocent, so pure and full of beauty," he looks me in the eye and I feel like my legs are gonna cave. "I don't know what you're doing to me. I can hardly control myslef," he whispers- his palms caressing my cheeks. "Justin, I've never- um-"

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