Just A Friend?

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June 30th, 2016

"Can you make up your mind? What the fuck am I to you?" I screamed at him. I have had it with keeping these little secrets and get togethers.

"You're just a friend, Y/n." He yells back.

"Really? Just a friend? K, good the fucking know. You're such a fucking dick, God! I wish I never fucking slept with you!" I yelled. "As a matter of fact, I wish I never fucking met you. Rot in hell, Justin," I grabbed my things and headed out the door, slamming it in the process. I got in my car and drove home.

I should have known. I knew I was being stupid and let my feelings get in the way. God, I wish I could fucking hate him.

Getting home, I screamed. I just screamed my frustration out. I went to my room and took all the pictures of Justin and I off my walls and make up mirror. I took a pair of scissors, shreading the pictures to confetti. Putting the pieces in a bowl, I took my happy ass to my backyard, setting fire to those pictures.

Over dramatic? No. Cleansing myself of my sins. The pieces burned to ash.

There was banging on my front door, "L.A.P.D! Open up!" Confused, I opened the door, "may I help you officer?" I asked.

"We got calls from your neighbors saying that you were screaming? We're here to make sure everything is okay," he says.


I pursed my lips then smiled, "yeah, I did scream. But I'm fine now, I just got overly frustrated and didn't know how to handle it so I screamed. I'm sorry fke the noise complaint." I said sheepishly. I need to apologize to my neighbors for my sort of necessary outburst.

"Alright miss, are you sure?" He asks again.

"Completely fine," I answered.

"Okay, have a nice rest of your day," he said.

I closed the door after dismissing the police. I went up to my room, crawled into bed, and cried.

I've been crying for hours now. Wondering what was wrong with me that Justin was so hung up on keeping me lowkey and stay a friend. What friend sleeps with their other friend multiple times and still claim themselves as friends? What kind of madness is that?

I'm over here thinking we're something more than friends while he's over there just thinking about getting sex?! Jesus Christ why?! What did I do?

More knocking on my door, I groaned. "Go away!" I yelled.

More knocking, but louder and more obnoxious. "I said go away!" I yelled louder.

Didn't stop. I groaned frustratedly, getting up from my bed mumbling to myself. "I don't want to see anyone," I whined opening the door.

"Oh, it's you, bye now," I started closing the door when his massive hand stopped it. "Y/n, don't be ridiculous,"

"I'm not, I just don't want to see you. Or ever. Go away," I went to close the door again and his foot moved in the way, I groaned, "I'm going to best your ass, move your foot or I'll break it," I said.

"You're cute when you're mad," he laughs.

"Justin, I'm not in the mood, go away," I whined.

"Nope," he pushed the door open, using my strength against me.

"I really don't fucking like you right now," I posed.

"Yup, I know," he said.

"K, why are you here?" I asked.

"I knew you'd be upset, and I wanted to be here for you." He says innocently.

I glared, "you're the one who put me in my mood, and I don't want you here, nor do I want your pity. I pity myself enough, go away."

It happened so quickly, our lips moved together perfectly synced. If I could just be mad enough to push him away, but no. He's melting all my pain away, like he always does.

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