Jason McCann

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My fingers dug into her thighs whilst I had a firm grip on her hips, her ass clapping back into my hips as I thrusted my cock into her wet, slick pussy. Her moans and whimpers only edged me closer to my orgasm making me moan in satisfaction. "Fuck, Y/n. You feel so good around me baby girl."

She whimpers a little more making me growl, "you can cum only if you tell me how good I'm fucking you."

"God, you m-make me feel s-so g-good, baby. Mmm- ah!" I smacked her ass hard, feeling the tingly numbness in my palm, "try again, my name isn't God, it's Jason. I want to hear you say my fucking name." I ram my cock right into her, clenching me in her making chills run up my spine. "Fuck, Jason! Jason you do me so g-good. Please, let me cum, Jason." Her words stammered and her voice as soft as a squeak.

A low grumble errupted in my throat letting out a growl of sexual frustration, I too needed to cum. "Good girl, you're such a good girl for me. Cum all over my cock baby. I want to feel you orgasm hard."

Her legs shook and quaked as she came, her moans turned to screams, my name and profanities slipped her lips. Riding out hers, I rode out mine slowly, feeling myself ejactulate myself inside her warm cunt. I trailed my arm around her stomach, pulling her back up against my chest and continued to fuck her slowly, my lips attacking hers. She fell weak with me.

My dick still in her, she fell asleep. I frowned, I wanted to go another round. Slowly pulling myself out of her, I didnt want to wake her, the cool air hit my once warm girth making me hiss. I really wanted to stay burried in her pretty little pussy.

Sighing, I needed to get ready. Kissing her head and covering her with the sheets and quickly took a shower.


"Has no one ever told you that you're a piece of shit, McCann? You're a joke, just like your father. What a shame you've become. I treated you like my own and you do this? This is how you repay me?"

His words never once inflicted any sort of harm, so I laughed, "you have a lot of nerve to say something like that, Charles. Props to you. But listen, I have a very beautiful girl back home waiting for me in bed. I just fucked her brains out four times before I had you to take care of. I'd really like to go back home and fuck her again and again, so if you could please wrap up your bullshit, I'd love to go home now."

"Oh, she's probably just some fucking slut you picked up off the road, McCann. You can never be loved or find it. A sour soul like you could never find a woman who'll love you for the monster you are." Charles spit on my shoes, probably aim for my face. I cocked the gun readying myself to pull the trigger. "Actually, I picked her up from your house. That's right, I have your daughter naked in my bed. And she loves me. Trust me, I treat her well. Like the princess she is, she has everything she's ever wanted and needed. Too bad poor old pops was killed in a drive by."

"Good to hell!" His face red with fury.

"See you then," my finger squeezed the trigger, the einging of the gun going off echoed through the empty building. Blood dripped down the center of his forehead, creating a deep red line down his face.

"Always for the dramatics, Jason." My partner Leo beoke the silence. "Are you really fucking his daughter?"

I smiled confirming that I am ineed fucking his daughter, "yup."

"Dude, that's so fucked up." He laughs, "she any good?"

"She's mine, Leo." Was all I said.

"You love her?" He asks genuinely.

"Of course I do," I answered truthfully. I wasn't ready to share my love for Y/n, but it just felt right to express it, "Now get rid of his body. I'd really like to go home."

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I forgot how to write smut, it's been so long. This was crap omg.

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