Just For Us (part three)

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July 16th, 2016

Your POV

His lips tenderly kissed down my skin that was crawling with chills at his every touch. My body ached for him. My mind and soul screamed for him. More of him. I muffled out a moan. I wanted him just as needingly. "Jason," I hummed. My fingers tangled in his hair, tugging in reflex of every thing that tibgled in my body. I said yes.

His shirt came off and all I wanted was his warmth against me. He began to kiss behind my ear and my nails dragged down his flexing back. My breathing became heavy due to lack of breathing at all. It was all a rush to me, adrenaline racing through my veins.

My shirt came off, exposing myself to him. I didn't feel insecure of myself, he made me feel beautiful the way he smiled at me. "That's enough staring," I giggled grabbing him by the back of his neck bringing his lips back to mine. My left leg ran up against his torso as he grabbed it, squeezing my thigh. He began missing down my neck, sucking lightly on my collar bone. Bringing his lips to my stomach making me giggle. I happen to be very ticklish and his little stubble tickled my skin. My jean shorts were coming off my legs and the cool air swirling through the room basked my body.

Jason's head was between my thighs, kissing his lips dangerously, teasingly close to my heated pussy. "Jason, do something," I whimpered. His hot breath fanned against me and I couldn't control myself. I needed him and he was teasing. My hand flies down to my throbbing, needy clit and rubbed vast circles.

"No," he growls pinning my hands so quickly above my head. I whimpered, "fucking do something, Jason!" His eyes were dark glaring down at me, trying to intimidate me. "Touch yourself like that again, I swear I will fuck you raw."

Shivers took over me, only exciting me more. "I don't want to hurt you, princess. Patience, my love." He kissed me tenderly. I watch him with innocent eyes. I knew this triggered something in him.

I was soon met with his tongue licking a line up my slit before he separated the lips with his fingers. Tingles. My body was well stimulated just by doing this action. I felt little tingles and sudden pleasure wave over my body. My body spasmed and jolted with pure extacy "Oh my G- mmm," I moaned. He knew what he was doing. I needed to grab something I just didn't know what. My mind was somewhere else unable to comprehend and make sense of anything. I was in pure bliss and satisfaction. I squeezed my boob in one hand and tugged his hair with the other. "Jason!" I squirmed feeling myself become sensitive. My eyes rolled back and my back arched higher off the bed. He had my legs pinned to the bed, refraining me from moving so much.

Hyperventilating in pleasure, I was becoming more and more sensitive to his actions. His mouth was doing wonders against me and I couldn't hold myself for any longer. "Jason I'm- Ahh!" I pushed his head further into me until I couldn't bare another lap. I was a moaning and whimpering mess.

I body quivered and my muscles released tension. I was shaking and heard him chuckle, "God I've missed that so much," he crawled up between my quivering legs kissing my skin that was crawling with chills once again. I don't know what he was doing do me, but I never want it to stop. Ever.

"Sweet, innocent little princess," he attached his lips to mine. It was foreign to me, tasting myself off his lips and tongue, but it was hot.

"If I hurt you, please tell me, okay?" He quickly pecked my lips before reaching over somewhere. He had a gold square packet in his hand, "you want to do it?" He asks me with a smirk. I smiled and complied. I don't remember him taking his pants off? I sit up, ripping the packet open pulling out the rubber. His cock was hard, standing tall with pride, I winced thinking about what it was about to do to me. Rewarding it with a little teasing kiss, I rolled the condom on his length, making sure to give it a good squeeze to make him groan.

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