Tease (part two to 'Little Taste')

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August 12th, 2016

Justin's POV

Y/n and I decided to go to the ice rink tonight. She hadn't ice skated in a long while, to which I just learned, and she told me how much she misses it. If I didn't show her the videos of me playing hockey, she probably wouldn't have brought it up.

Besides, I just want to show her off to the world with pride. Probably scream from the top of my lungs that she's mine. She makes me feel like a better person, normal if you will. She's so easy going and honest. Easy to talk to and can keep a conversation interesting. One simple touch of her skin, and my heart melts. As silly as it sounds...

"Justin, come on. We're here." Her little fingers lace with mine as we exit the vehicle. I'm so glad we took an Uber... There are no paps, not many people. Just us. Thank God. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck, "we have the rink all to ourselves for a couple of hours before it actually closes."

After we put on the ice skates, Y/n was hesitant about getting on the ice. "What are you waiting for? Come on" I posed as I grabbed her hand in mine making her step onto the ice.

Her legs wobbled a bit "Justin, slow down for a second! The ice is slippery," she giggles, wrapping her arms around my torso. She shuffled her feet along the cold platform. She's so fucking cute.

Did I just?

Ignore that...

Her teeth chittered, "I forgot how cold it gets," she spoke as she looks up at me. Her nose was cherry red. I couldn't stop myself I kissed the tip of her nose. "It'll get warm as soon as you start moving around more."

She pokes my stomach, catching me off guard. "Race you to the end!" She spoke quickly. Took my brain a couple of seconds to process and it didn't take long after seeing she was already half way to the end. I smiled watching her legs wobbled a bit.

I caught up to her, successfully beating her to the end. "Cheater," she pouted playfully.

"I win, what do I get?" I smiled in triumph. She hums, "I don't know. What do you want?" She asks. Her tone changed and definitely caught me off guard. It was almost seductive- scratch that. It is seductive.

"You," I smirked.

She rolls her eyes, "I know. But what do you want from me?" She asks getting closer. Her small hands find my waist, pulling herself closer. Her chest was now against mine. I'm sure she could feel how happy I am about it. Her bottom lip was tugged between her teeth, "want a hug?" Her hands trailed down my back, lifting my end of my shirt upwards as her fingers tickle against my skin, "want a kiss?" Her lips ever so lightly, teasingly meets with the skin of my jaw. A low growl emitted from my throat. "Y/n, stop." Not actually wanting her to stop.

"Stop what?" She asks innocently. Oh, innocent my fanny, she's a little mynx isn't she?

Another growl, "you don't want to do that, princess. You don't want to tease me."

"Tease? Baby, I'm only asking you what you want for a prize." She says casually, her warmth leaving mine. I glare playfully before I pull her back into me. A little squeal came from her and I couldn't help but smile.

She puckered her lips. I gladly put mine to hers. Her lips tasted of cherry cola, not that I mind it. Her lips always have a good taste. I love kissing her. And every time I do, I get this rush feeling. I don't know what to compare it to... You know how you reach the peak of the roller coaster before it descends? That jumpy feeling in your heart that makes your blood rush through your veins... A high on adrenaline. Fuck butterflies, I felt like I was invincible with her in my arms.

I felt a squeeze in my lower region. That's when I realized, her little hand was right over junior and giving it attention. Her tongue met with mine. The little mynx just pulled a moved on me...

She needs to know that she not in charge here.

Before I could do anything, she pulled away to my dismay. She giggles before pecking my lips once more. With an eyebrow raised, "you do realize you caught me off guard right?" I said defending my part.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She winks before she skated away.

She just teased me.

No, no. I won't allow this. She will not dominate me at my own game, tf?

I rushed myself to her side, grabbing her arm and gently pressing her against the nearest wall. A little gasp emitted from her smiling lips before I closed the taunting distance. With the amount if force I put, a moan came from her. And boy did I love the sound of that.

Pressing my lower half to hers, she moans again. "You have any idea what you've just caused?" I said lowly against her lips. A little whimper came from her before she bucked her hips into mine. Surely, it wasn't intentional, but the games she playing, she's treading on thin ice. Won't take long before she breaks through and I take her right here, right now.

She didn't need to say a word- the aching desire in her eyes said it all. "Let's get out of here." I said, grabbing her arm not waiting for her approval.

Once we got home, the most disappointing thing happened; she told me she's tired.

Oh no no. I can tell when she's lying, her lips twitch and a small smile paints her flawless features. "You know, lying to me won't make this any less fun, babe."

She giggles before I pin her to the bed. Our lips moved together perfectly synced. I know what drives her absolutely crazy- I kissed my lips to her jaw then to her neck. A gasp emitted from her throat and her hips bucked into mine. I growled before nipping her skin making her whimper. "Justin," she moans.

A decent sized pink and purple bruise marked my territory expressed itself on the skin of her neck. "Mine,"

"Justin, any one with eyes are going to see that!" She whines.

"At least they know who you belong to." I kissed her lips before bringing her shirt up off her. I felt myself hardening by the minute. There she laid with her perfect body before me with her glorious tits hidden underneath a white laced bra. I had her straddled so she wouldn't move much. She moans the second my hands fondled her breasts, sucking on the bare skin that wasn't covered by her bra. Her back arches, "get this off me," she begs in a whimper.

Unclasping her bra, skillfully I might add, her perky tits were on full display. I glanced quickly from her breasts to her lustfilled eyes. I ripped my shirt off of me before leaning down to kiss her perfect pouty lips.

I started to unbutton her pants, sticking my hand down her soaked panties. She wiggled and giggled under me, "Justin do something please," God I love her whimpers and pleas. My index and middle finger circled around her clit making her a moaning mess. My dick twitched. I had to control myself; I have to.

Needing to taste her, I pulled her pants off her legs, exposing her most precious parts. Her legs shut close but I had other plans for her; I pried them open, "never hide yourself from me," I kissed her inner thighs making her squirm, "got it, Y/n?" I looked her dead in the eye watching her lick her lips before nodding, "yes daddy."

Smiling, I kissed her wet pussy before parting the folds and sucking on her little pink clit. She squeals, "fuck!"

I moaned against her. The vibrations made her body jolt in my satisfaction. I loved the fact that I'm the only one who can make her feel this way, pleasure her.

She just doesn't know what she's in for.

When her hips started pushing up and her hands pressing my head further into her, I knew she was close. Too bad though, I'd really love to taste her excitement.

"Justin what the fuck?!" She yells. "You don't stop when I'm about to cum! What the Hell is wrong with you?"

I smiled triumphantly, "I told you, you don't want to tease me."

"You know what, I'll remember this. You just watch, Bieber." She scowls. I, of course, didn't take it seriously.

My dick was being squeezed due to how tight my pants suddenly felt. I walked out of the room and to the bathroom, sighing, "I know, hold on."

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