Can't Sleep...

44 3 190

It is currently 1:10 in the fucking morning.......ugh.....and I can not for the life of me go to sleep.

I don't know if because it's so hot or it's the thunder and rain.

The saddest part about this whole thing is I am actually tired like I wanna sleep. I worked all day and all I wanna do is rest.

*Whines the o myself* Why does everything bad happen to me?!? Like seriously -.-

I am literally so tired that I am making no sense (That's pretty obvious)

And I even have to up early in the morning *insert crying face emoji here*

......and a big crack of thunder just scared the shit out of me.......😨

.........oh and my dog just jumped in bed with me.......??

I really need to get a life XD 😂😂

......ugh I just remembered I have to now wrestle a pill down my dogs throat....*sighs* (Thunder storms freak her out really bad)

What is life!?!

.......Maybe I should call a friend.......

But I just remembered it's late and their all asleep........them stupid little bitches go to bed so god damn early

Like damn what are we 70? xD

Anyone else laughing at this? No? Just me? ........Fine....

Anyway I hope you all are having a good night's sleep and I'll see ya in the next chapter!


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