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It takes a LOT to piss me off

I am so done with everybody's shit!

If you don't like me don't u dare talk shit behind my back. Talk to me face to face!

Don't be a petty little bitches

Oh and hey Mom

I don't even wanna see your face cuz every time I do I have to hold myself back so I don't break your nose.


Start acting like a mother!

I am more important then some boyfriend I didn't even know U had!

I walked home today in the pouring down rain just cuz I had to stay after school so my boyfriend and I could buy our prom tickets

Like bitch it only took 5 mins!

You couldn't wait 5 extra minutes?!?!

Then you bit-little me in front of him (her boyfriend)

Omg I never wanted to leave or move or something as bad as I did in that moment

But I'm just "An ungrateful teenager" right? A "horrible daughter" correct?

I don't need you or your words in my life.

Sadly I can't move out until I'm 18

It's 10 months away

And I'm counting down the day til my freedom

Because all I am to you is a slave



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