Goodbye 2019

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Dear 2019, there is only 3 more days of you. You have been the hardest year of my life. I thought 2015 was bad, no you took the cake.
You pushed me to the complete edge. You stripped me of my confidence, self love, trust and humanity. You left me as a anxiety ridden person with depression as a best friend. You took my whole college future away in a snap. You took the person I was deeply in love with away to another. You took friends and made them enemies. Rather they were never friends at all....I know that now. You threw everything you possibly could have at me and you won. I didn't wanna fight with everything anymore. I didn't have the energy or strength. There wasn't much more you could take away from me.

So here's to 2020 🙌🏻

Maybe it be everything 2019 was not.


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