Everyone Is Sick!?!

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Okay so I was down with a cold.

Everyone at school has a cold.

All my friends have a cold.

Now my son's Jack and Sam have a cold.

And before I go any further. No I didn't give birth to these boys. So no I'm not there blood mother. That doesn't mean anything. I love these boys as my own. So basically I'm the only mom figure they have. The mom died and the father just left. So that left the mom's sister to look after them. And these are family friends so I've know them for all my life. So at the age of 13 I began helping the aunt raise them. The aunt is a nurse though and works a lot. I feed, bathe, clothe, play and care for them. Just as a mother would. They call me mom/mommy I didn't tell them they had to. I would love them the same even if they didn't.

Jackson is eight and Sam is Five (almost six)

Sam is a mommy's boy and wants to be with you all the time. He is curious about everything and anything. He's small for his age but that doesn't bother him in the least. He's a bright little boy and very protective of his older brother.

And he was the first to become ill

Jackson is the oldest. He takes his role as big brother very seriously. He is always willing to help me with Sam or anyone for that matter. He thinks he's the man of the house and has a stubborn streak in him.  He thinks he's older than he is..... currently he is the stage were he's too "old" for me to love on him or carry him in public.... Example: the grocery store

So Sam got pretty sick. Basically with the something I had.

He had a fever, runny nose, headache and body aches.

He was just tired and miserable.

Then Jack got sick.

And he actually told me he didn't feel well. Which is a shock because normally he wouldn't admit it. And he loves to run around.

I felt bad for them.

Last night was rough no one got any sleep.

Sam did a lot of crying

Which I kind of knew would happen.

But oh yeah my parents are sick

Even some of my teachers are!

God damn like where the healthy people at?? I'd like to join them XD

Eww  homecoming is this weekend

I'm not going. I'm still not feeling 100% plus two sick kids and my boyfriend can't come either soooo nope I no go.

Ugh my headache is coming back.

Well I'm going to scoop up my boys and we're going to relax in bed watching some Supernatural on Netflix.

Bye guys!

See ya in the next chapter!


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