Ten Or So Facts About Me

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People having been asking me to do this and I've been tagged like 3 times now so I guess I'll do it lol

1. What's your full name?
Katherine Ann Oakes. But everyone calls me Katie because my grandmother's name was Katherine.

2. How old are you?
Sixteen (Seventeen in March)

3. What Grade are you in?
11th I'm a Junior in Highschool

4. How tall are you?
5'2 yes, I'm short lol get over it

5. What showare you currently obsessed with?
Supernatural and American Horror Story

6. Future Career?
Veterinary Technician

7. Boyfriend or Girlfriend?
Yes, I have a boyfriend. We will have 10 months on Christmas Eve.

8. Favorite Band?
Twenty-One Pilots, Three Days Grace, Guns n' Roses, Ghost Town, Skillet, Hollywood Undead, Five Seconds Of Summer, 3 Doors Down and many more.

9. Something You Struggle With?
Life. Lol no joke 😂 I have daily struggles like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and acne.

10. One thing you'll NEVER tell your parents
I don't wanna live on Earth yet I don't want to die....I want to go to my own little world far away from people who have hurt me and memories that haunt me.

If you're reading this then you must answer the same questions I have and post it.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter


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