Writer's Block!?!

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Yes, I have a horrible and terrible case of writer's block.

I hate it!!!

I never have time to update due to school and now I'm on break and I have fucking writer's block!


Like I want to update but I can't think.....You know what I mean!


Guys I think I'm losing my writing creativity.

Like I barely write anymore and when I do I feel like I half assed it.

Like I read it over and it sounds SO bad.

And people haven't been reading as much and I'm like wow I know it sucks.

Like I've been on here for almost two years and I've only finished ONE story. And I have like 4 or five ( I think). Like some I have just abondon because I ran out of ideas or I didn't like the way I was going with it.

Like I'm not 14 I'm almost 17

Is that why?

I'm older now and I'm losing my dbz fandom?

I haven't read dbz fanfic in awhile (I'm not counting here)

Idk  anymore

You guys would tell if my writing was bad, right? Or if you didn't like it?


Sammy just told me "Don't worry Mommy I love your stories!!"

But he did the cute thing where he missed pronoced stories

I'll see you in next chapter!!!

~Katie & Sam~

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