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Hello fabulous people!!

So after my last update I got stung by a pretty big jellyfish. Yeah that wasn't fun it actually hurt.....a lot. Lol I'm okay! Have been for a couple days my leg does ache sometimes though. Basically I was in the ocean and suddenly my whole left leg went numb. I didn't really think anything of it until suddenly it felt my leg was like on fire. I quickly swam as best as I could with only one leg and limped to shore where my family was. My boyfriend tore from his chair to me. No I didn't cry but I screamed. My leg had been numb but whenever someone or something touched it literally felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper on a open and bleeding wound. And well let's just say I had a few choices words I screamed repeatedly. The pain didn't last long my eldest sister had told my nephew to run to house and get a bottle of vinegar. Five agonizing later I had the small bottle in my shaking hands and was pouring it all over my leg and the pain was gone.  This experience was scary but I'm not scared of the ocean never have been probably never will be. Anyway my vacation is now over *sad face* I'm in the car on the way home now with my brother, sister and dad. Ugh I hate long car rides like this one. It took us 15 have ours to get here so let's how long it takes to go back.

Bye guys!


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