I'm Leaving For Awhile

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I'm leaving for awhile......

I honestly think it's for the best right now.

I'm sorry, deeply I am but I don't have much of an option.

Wattpad is just not what it use to be

I am not leaving for good or anything so don't worry about that.

I just can't be around negative people who only put people down.

Normally this wouldn't bother me but sometimes people can only take so much, you know?

I am who I am no one can change that.

If you don't like my stories don't fucking read them.

Don't like my page then don't go on it.

Don't like me? That's fine doesn't hurt me one bit.

Don't like how I am a female? Well your just sexist then.

You make fun of my age? Yet I'm older then you and your like fucking what 10?

Make fun of my fandom? Well honey yours ain't much better.

I'm sick of hurtful people.

I don't want to leave but.....idk........maybe I just need a break?

I'm not sure anymore.

I have no motivation to continue any of my stories. I have lost all the confidence I once had in my writing.
I can't even write all I can do is stare at the blank screen which is depressing.

I seriously need to get rid of this writers block.

Hopefully I'll see you guys soon


~Love, Katie~

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