I'm Angry

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I'm going to be very honest with all of you.

I'm fucking pissed off!!

My son's school called me a couple hours ago and told me Sam wasn't aloud back on Monday.

I was confused to say the least

I got the impression that he had gotten into a fight. Which is why I was so confused. Sam is a peaceful little boy who hates conflict.

Then I was told he didn't start a fight.

He is in trouble for wearing nail polish

Like what the hell?!?

The Principal proceeded to tell me they frown upon behavior like that and it is against some rules.

"Miss Oakes, I'm sorry but as a school we prohibit children going down paths like that"

"Are you assuming that my son is gay?"

I told the principal that my son is not gay (If he was I'd 100% support him).

I told her his father isn't apart of his life. He only as female role models only guy role mole he kinda has in his bother who he worships but still.

He's six!

He watches me put on my makeup everyday! He watches me do my hair for crying out loud!

So a friend pained my nails. Which I never normally do because it's a little too girly for my taste (not trying to offend anyone). So of course Sam asked me about it and I told him.
He asked...no begged me to do his

"Mommy? Can you do mine? Please??? Pretty Please!"

I did them with a clear gloss that had a barely noticeable pink tint.

Because I knew if I did like a bright pink the teacher or other parents would say something.

I even had to pick him up early on Friday!

He was crushed!

He was sobbing and confused.

Saddest part is he thought he did something wrong as if he was in trouble.

And he sobbed even more when I told him I had to take the gloss off.

Now tell me how any of this is far?

Today he didn't go to School

He's missing out on his education which should come first.

I mean he was very upset all weekend! Even know he's still not how he normally is.....but I know he'll bounce back, he's a strong kid.

Oh Sam says "Hi Everyone!"

Damn he's such a good kid and as his mother it aggravates me I couldn't do anything to stand up for him.


I'll keep you all updated on this and if anything else happens.

Jackson needs help with his homework and Sammy needs his bath.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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