My Old Writing

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I found some of my old writings from last summer. I wouldn't really call them poems but I guess they are in a way.

So here is the first one.....

This house no longer feels like home

So why do I stay?

Night is no longer day

I scream and cry, do you hear?

I say I'm alright but that's a lie

You caused my heart to bleed

But your what I need

You never did care

So just increase the tare

You still owe me a reason!

Because I can't figure out why

You betrayed me

But that's okay

I'm done crying

But your not done lying

So here we go over & over

But this time I'm going under

I give up

So just go blow up!

I'm standing alone

Do you have a clone?

Nothing's changed

I am broken

You get a token

I feel lost

You only care about the cost

I finally clean my wounds

Only you don't like that like that

I look you in the eyes

Then I cut the ties

And wave goodbye

Here is the second one......

I'm laying here crying

But also I'm lying

Most importantly I'm dying

I feel like I'm flying

Where's this knife I know I'll be buying

You can't stop me!

You say life has a fee

But I just wanna be free

I know life as no meaning

So why am I leaning?

Why are we meeting?

What are you keeping?

Were you cheating?

I know your not joking

We part ways

We just keep walking

We stop talking

But that doesn't stop the breaking

I reread these and I had to take a moment to breathe. I had forgotten about them to be honest. Once I reread them though the memories of writing them came back to me, and the emotions weren't far behind either.

Not everyone's life is easy. Some people have harder life's than other's do. I wrote what I felt. I wrote what I wish I could have had enough nerve to say out loud.

So never judge a book my it's cover.


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