Scary Sleepover Experienc?

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This is a story of a truly horrifying one.

Yes, this is a true story that happen to me.

It was the Summer of 2013. I was staying at my friend Sam's house because she had asked me to spend the night. I hadn't seen her due to me going on vacations out of our little town.

Her house was huge. It had 3 floors to be exact. Her parents had gone out with some of their own friends which was fine considering we were both 13 years old.

We were sitting in the Den watching movies and eating junk food. At one point we had the music on really loud and singing along. 

But things were about to get creepy

We heard a tap on the window as clear as day. Sam got up and peered out the blinds of the window but stated no one was there. I thought it was a prank. After all many of our friends knew where Sam lived.

We heard the knock again and this time I peered out the window only to find nothing.

We honestly thought nothing of it.

We forgot about it after awhile turning our attention back to the movie.

About 30 mins later we heard this loud pounding on the front door and it made both of us jump.

We knew it couldn't be her parents as they had told us they wouldn't be home until after midnight and they had a key.

We put the tv in mute and didn't bother with the lights as they were already off.

The pounding continued and then stopped.

We unfroze from our spots on the sofa.

"Who was that?" I asked

Sam looked at me with concern

"I don't know" she confesses.

That made me more on edge.

Just when we were about the unmute the tv we heard clear as day footsteps going up the side of the house toward the backyard.

"Oh shit!" Sam says and springs up

"What?" I worried

Sam turns to with her eyes wide open "I left the back door unlocked"

Those words made my blood run cold.

We tore off down the hall and threw the rest of the house desperate to get to the back door before the intruder.

We got to the kitchen when we heard the back door creak open. I pulled my friend by the arm and quickly made our way up the stairs to her room, as quietly as possible. Sam hid under her bed as she was small enough to fit. Me on the other hand hide in this spot between her bed and the wall, it was a tight fit even for me, who was small in height and weight.

Sam had herself pushed against the far wall so her head was closer to me. I remember I slid my hand a little way under the bed and she immediately grabbed my hand tightly in her own.

The intruder went threw the downstairs. We could hear all the noise he was making. He then made his way up the stairs.

He came into the room but I couldn't see him and I know Sam couldn't either but she was breathing loudly I knew if I could hear it the stranger probably could too. There was total silence in the room and all I could do was throw my right hand over my mouth.

Next thing I heard was Sam's loud pitch scream as her hand was ripped from mine. That's when I knew the intruder had dragged out from under the bed.

I jumped out of my hiding spot and this 6 foot man had Sam (who was not even 5 feet tall) up in the air by the front of her shirt. She was thrashing wildly. I looked around the room for a weapon and without thinking I grabbed the desk lap and ran up to the man and hit him in the head as hard as I could.

He released my friend and we ran down the stairs, out the front door and down the street. We went to a different friends house where we call the police.

When the police got to Sam's house they found no trace of the man.

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