My Struggle with Weight

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I've struggled with my weight my whole life.

I was born 2 months early by C-Section

I was only a little over 3 pounds at birth.

Since I was so small and born early I've always had to play catch up with other kids my age in weight and height.

I was always just so small.

Everyone would think I was sick or not being taken care of but those were never the case

My doctor always said I was healthy but didn't mind me putting weight on as long as it was healthy weight.

When I was 10 almost 11 I started rapidly gaining unhealthy weight.

I was taken to my doctor and all he said was I was start puberty.

Which wasn't correct!

My grandmother knew better. I didn't have any signs of puberty yet or development.

I went from being a extra small to a large in kids clothes to fast.

Ever since then I've been on the heavy side.

In 2015 I really had enough and worked hard for a body I could feel comfortable in. I cut my portions in half and exercised more.

In 4 months I had a body I felt great in.

And I kept my weight the same for months !

But in October of 2017 I start my acne treatment.

3 weeks into treatment I realized my jeans didn't fit

And us girls know when jeans just don't fit right.

I was a size 6 or 6/7 (depending on which store)

May 2018
After SEVEN months of treatment.

I gained all the weight back and then some

I was devastated

I found out later that a rare side affect of my treatment was rapid weight gain. 😔

I've tried to lose the weight again (many times) but I just can't seem to.

It's not coming off as easily as last time and idk why.

I was going through my closet and I got really upset seeing all these pairs of jeans I can't wear...that I want to wear but I can't.

I feel so guilty feeding fast food or junk food.

I don't feed it all the time...but still

I'm a size 10 or 12 depending where I shop.

It's embarrassing

I don't wanna look like a supermodel I didn't even as a size 6. I just wanna feel comfortable in my own skin.

*Sigh* it's easy to gain weight but so much harder to lose.

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