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Yeah so I start school September 6.

Ugh that's in like a little over a week.

I am not happy about going back to school lol can u tell? School isn't even about education anymore. All it is a popularity contest or a intelligence contest.....that I want no part of.
That being said I'm going to be a junior this year and I have a lot more on my plate than last year. I got accepted to a animal science program so I can learn more about the veterinary field. That being said I probably won't update much. I'm sorry for that, I really am. I just have to really study this year, unfortunately. Trust me. I'd much rather write than be somewhere I hate but it is what it is. School is just one big stress. All it does is stresses me out. Hell I still have a week and I'm already stressing. I already feel depressed. But I have to deal with it and I will.


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