Short Story

21 2 4

Warning character deaths.

"Jackie? Jackie!"

My head flew up from my desk only to look look at my best friend.

"The bell rang" she says simply and makes her way out the door of the class room.

I hadn't met to fall asleep in all honestly. We were just watching some Science video.

Sleeping in class wasn't something I liked doing or made a habit of doing.

I made my way out of Science class and down to my locker when Logan came up to me.

"Hey shortie!"

I smirked. It was an old nickname he gave me.

"Hey black man" I see him laugh

He wasn't offended in the least.  We had been friends for so long and we always joked around. We each had good humor.

"There's a party tonight, you in?"

Parties weren't my thing. There was drinking, drugs and of course sex. My dad is a strict man and would never approve and is hard to please.

It was just starting to turn Summer and it had been finals week. I deserved to have a little fun, right? I'd figure out a way to go.

"See you there" he chuckled at my excitement.

I got ready for the party that night feeling more free then ever. I had black skinny jeans with rips down them and pink blouse. The blouse had the shoulder cut out style with long sleeves and it showed a little cleavage. Gold heels I wore to prom finished my look.

For makeup I went for a bronze smoky eye or the best I could do. I wore fake lashes to make it look better and of course I wore that classic red lipstick.

11pm came quick and I snuck out of my house by opening my window and sliding down my garage port roof to the ground.

I didn't think it through as I walked 3 blocks in heels but l did it with a smile.

I texted Logan as I neared the house the party was being held at.

Hey! I'm right down the street.

I walked a couple more feet when my iPhone pinged

Hurry up girl!  Bobbie, Sam, Adam and I are waiting for ya.

I smiled at the mention of my friends so I ran the rest of the way to the house (without falling).

I opened the door and loud music greeted me first then I smelled the heavy sent of alcohol.
A few more steps and I could smell weed. The house was decorated just like it would has if we were in a movie. There were so many people but I found my friends.

We danced the night away.

We chugged fruity alcoholic drinks

We smoked pot left and right

I had never seen a group of people having  more fun then in that moment.

I had never laughed more

Freedom tasted great

We posted videos and pictures to Snapchat

We were all so high and intoxicated

But not one of us cared

Popcorn all over floor from the food fights

Red solo cups trashed the whole house

It was almost morning but no one knew the exact time.

We had to leave

Adam told us he would get caught

So we tripped and fell into his car

Our coronation having left us long ago

Our vision gone blurry from the drug we willingly put into your bodies

Music blasting from the car radio

We laughed going down the road

Then everything went white

None of us saw the trunk

I woke up in a daze I thought was caused from drinking

It wasn't

Bobbie was outside the vehicle yelling for me get out of the car

"Jacklynn! Jackie!"

She seemed so far away.

My face was damp I wiped it with my hand only for to come back bloody. That sobered me up a little.

I noticed my window was broken and smashed

I looked around the car was upside down

I slowly struggled to move and get through the window.

Bobbie grabbed my arms and putted me out




My leg was on fire

"Jackie! Come back to me! Hold on!"

Her face was covered in cuts as was her body.

She was lucky

She had wore her seatbelt

"Logan.....Sam.....Adam?" I asked

Her face crumpled

And I knew

I knew

"Please no" I begged

Bobbie sobbed while holding me

"Their dead"

Her voice was soft




Reality set in

I was going to die

I screamed

Bobbie applied pressure to my leg

For the first time I heard

Car horns going off

Sirens in the distance

Others I couldn't place

I could FEEL myself starting to go into shock

I was going to die

I was dying

I heard Bobbie

But everything was muffled

"I love you"  I choked out

My sight vanished

Nothing but darkness

Logan was sitting in the back between me and Bobbie. He had been thrown through the windshield.

Adam was the driver and was gone as soon as the truck hit us and the car flipped.

Sam was in the passenger seat and had gotten ejected from the car upon the truck struck us.

Never drink and drive.


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