I got tagged by Kippysame675 to do 5 facts about me.
So here we go!
1. I have fallen in love with Supernatural. Dean Winchester is mine! Don't touch him or Sammy!
2. I have also fallen in love with Steven Universe. Ugh Ruby and Sapphire are just so adorable! :3
3. I burst out into song at random times xD (Currently singing Peace and Love from Steven Universe)
4. I am currently eating cake with my best friend at 11:27 at night. I'm pretty weird. (She just hit me in the face with cake xD)
5. I am short as hell. Yep I said it I'm like 5'2 (last time I had my height checked) so yes I am a shorty and people absolutely love to make fun of it.
Lol gnite guys!
If you comment my friend and I will send you a piece of virtual cake! XD