Chapter Two-She Drives Me Crazy

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Wooo! Another update? It MUST be blitz week. Thought you'd enjoy a little peak into Jaxon's world. As always if you find any needed edits please feel free to mention them to me. ENJOY!

I yanked the covers off her

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I yanked the covers off her. "Get up!"

"Jaxon, what the—"

If looks could kill, I'd be dead. "Jessica, get the hell out of bed now. We leave for Acklemar in an hour. So, get your girly crap together and move it."

"Are you crazy?" She yawned and snatched the covers from my grip. "I'm not leaving. Now, get out of my room before I start screaming and wake-up Robin."

Robin. I could feel the heat rise to the surface of my skin with the thought of his betrayal. Traitor.

"Suit yourself. But before you make up your mind you might want to know Kellan's already home. Oh, yeah, you'll love this bit of information, Wren and Robin are with him."

She sprung up to a seated position like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on her. With her hair standing on end every which way and the scowl on her face, she looked like she was going to burn down the room around us.

"Hold on, wasn't she going out with you last night? Geez, Jaxon, only you could screw-up a date with a girl so badly she'd take off with another guy." She pursed her lips and ignited a small flame in her palm. She forced down a breath of air, closed her hand and extinguished the flickering light into a tendril of smoke.

"Yeah, well, if you weren't such a she-devil, maybe you wouldn't still be begging at Kellan's feet for him to take you back. By the way, if you haven't noticed, I don't think he's interested."

Her eyes narrowed, and the charms around her neck started to glow. "Takes one to know one. But at least I don't have to call home and let daddy know I've lost Wren, again."

I wasn't in the mood for her crap today. I had enough to deal with. But she was right that my father was going to be pissed when he found out.

"You know, personally, I don't care what you do. But if the Circle finds out you did less than nothing to help, my head won't be the only one he's calling for. So, if I were you, I'd get moving."

"You just had to go and pick her, didn't you? Forcing me to help in your insane little quest for power."

I ground my teeth together, and my body tensed. That wasn't why I chose Wren.

She tipped her head to the side, gasped and then started to laugh. "You're in love with her? Oh my God." She laughed even harder. "You're so pathetic."

"And you're such a—" I held my breath and flexed my fingers. "No wonder Kellan moved half a galaxy away to get rid of you."

Her laughter died, and her eyes lit up an intense yellow. "I hate you." She picked up a pillow and threw it at me.

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