Chapter Seven - What Have You Done?

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Hi All! Here's a chapter from Jaxon's perspective.  As always, if you see any edits I've missed, please let me know.  Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts. :)

(Jaxon Speaking)

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(Jaxon Speaking)

I shook his hand off my shoulder. "You've brought us to Racine? Are you insane?"

"You said you needed to get back to Acklemar the fastest way possible. Using this post to stop at, will shave two days off our time," Dystan responded.

"Yeah, if we all survive until we leave."

"Oh..." He adjusted his pack. "If you wanted to arrive alive you should have said that before we left."

"Speak for yourself Fire Prince," Travis said releasing his hold on Jessica. The locals love us, Travelers."

"Yeah? That's because you're their only ticket off this god forsaken planet."

Racine was full of the outcasted criminals from Acklemar. Some of them had been dumped and forgotten here for years. Many of them had been sentenced and sent here by the fire throne. I flipped up the hood on my jacket, hoping not to be recognized.

"I guess I don't need to tell you to keep your head down and let me do the talking." Dystan chuckled and brushed past me heading up the stairs to Gunner's Tavern.

"I don't care where he's taking us as long as I get a shower." Jessica crinkled her nose. "I smell like Travis."

Travis grinned, leaned in and took a deep breath. "No, you don't. You smell like cinnamon. Spicy and—"

"Ick. Don't even think about finishing that sentence." Jessica pushed him away and brushed herself off like she was trying to rid herself of his scent.

Travis didn't look phased by Jessica's rejection. He sauntered over and stood next to me. "I think I'm rubbing off on her." He laughed. "Just think, I have three more days of holding her in my arms."

She stormed past us up the stairs after Dystan.

"Hey, beautiful, if you play your cards right I might let you dance with me later," Travis hollered after her.

"So not going to happen," she shouted, then let the door drop from her grip to slam behind her.

"It's still early, and I'm up for the challenge." He bounded up the steps in front of me.

'Challenge' was one word to describe her. I could think of a few less polite ones. When he opened the door, the hot smell of sweat and ale assaulted us.

Jessica stood there like a fish out of water with her hand covering her nose. Half the men in the room were eyeing her up and down, wondering who would make the first move. Most of them looked like they hadn't shaved or bathed in months.

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