Chapter Seventeen (Part three)-Wanna Bet?

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HELLLOO! This one seemed to go on and on--one of my longer posts. Hope you like it!

 Hope you like it!

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"Red envelopes are reserved for joining ceremonies," Jax said staring at my shaking hands. "Well, they are if they're from the Fire Circle."

"I just thought, after everything..." My thoughts drifted to the way Otis curled his lips as he dragged his searing fingers down my face.

"He'd change his mind about us?" Jax tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I flipped the card over just to be sure there weren't any other surprises waiting for me to notice. "It's not like he likes me."

Jax handed me the envelope. "Now that's where you're wrong."

"Oh? He decorates all of his favorite people this way?" I flipped my hair over my shoulder and tipped my chin in his direction.

Jaxon cupped my face and took a closer look with unblinking eyes. It was like he'd been afraid to check out his father's handiwork until now. He pursed his lips and let out a long breath.

"No." He released his grip and wrapped his fingers around mine. "But if he'd gotten this close to anyone else who'd crossed him? He would've killed them."

"Well, if that doesn't make a girl feel special, I don't know what does."

"You are special." He tapped the card in my hand. "There isn't anyone like you in the entire universe."

My body tensed and my breath caught in my throat. I was about to blurt something about his power-hungry father when Jaxon's chuckle caught me off guard.

"Always ready for a fight, aren't you?" He placed his hands on his knees and stood up. "Come on, get dressed. I'd like to take you somewhere if you're up to it."

He dragged some clothes from the dresser at the end of the bed and held them out. I pulled them into my lap from his outstretched hand, and half expected him to leave—but he wasn't budging.

Was he really expecting me to put these on in front of him? I looked for a washroom to change, but there wasn't one in the room. There he was, still staring at me.

I grinned and leaned back on my elbows. "Enjoying the scenery?"

His eyes sparkled with amusement and his lips turned upward into a faint smile. "God, you're beautiful."

His gaze lingered a moment longer then he turned and glanced toward opposite wall. "You better change quick, or I might change my mind and watch."

"You wouldn't." I flipped the shirt over the gown, just in case he decided to sneak a peek.

I quickly pulled my arms free of the stiff fabric and plunged my hands through the sleeves of the shirt he'd given me. The gown's ties held it in place so I slipped the pants on from underneath it.

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