Chapter Twelve--(part two) Birdie

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Great. Another one of my awesome landings. I groaned, wiped the dirt from my mouth with the back of my sleeve and rubbed my eyes. Two sets of boots?

"You can lower your weapons officer. We're simply on our way to retrieve our healer," Astra said.

"Looks more like an invasion to me," said a man with a deep baritone voice. The toe of his boot shoved my ribs. "What do we have here?"

Nebula was standing so close her skirts draped over my outstretched hand. My palms pressed into the dirt, and I started to push up. When I forced my arms to straighten, my hair hung in my face blocking my view.

A sharp pain slammed into the top of my hand, and I screamed. The heel of Nebula's shoe dug into my skin. I collapsed to the ground eating another face of dirt. But before I could yank my hand back she shifted her foot and dug in her heel a second time.

I hollered out again in pain. "Nebula! Stop—"

I was thankful my cloak's hood hid the tears smearing my face. If my hand wasn't flaring in pain, I probably would have punched her.

"Poor dear. It's worse than I thought," Nebula said, kneeling down next to me. Then she placed a firm hand on my shoulder preventing me from getting up. "Stay down," she whispered.

"What's she screaming about?" the man asked, backing up.

"Drelobie pox," Nebula said, giving me a nudge with her knee. She lifted my hand and ran a finger against the area she'd stomped on. "See the welts starting to form?" We have to find our Guild healer before we all started showing symptoms."

The man's feet disappeared from view as I heard him take a step backward. "Drelobie pox? You're making that up."

Another man with frayed boot laces interrupted and said, "The death pox? If those welts turn into blisters and rupture, the puss will eat away at anything it touches. People die from those."

Playing it up for all it was worth, I groaned, curled into a fetal position and started to shiver.

Frayed laces dude took a couple more steps backward and his feet disappeared from what I could see as well. "I don't get paid enough to go near her. I've got a family to feed."

"You're being a wuss," the man with the baritone voice said.

Then a man I couldn't see spoke up. "No sir, he's not. My sister died from those things."

It sounded like the last guy backed up a couple of paces and then took off running in the opposite direction.

"I'm with him," said the frayed laces guy, then I heard him run to catch up with his buddy.

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