Chapter Six (part two)-A Prophecy

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Hi, All! Here's another update for ya. I've already started on the next chapter too. So with any luck, it will be along in a few more days. Hope you like this reveal!

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Sage said urging me to open it

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"Well, what are you waiting for?" Sage said urging me to open it.

I stared at the box. My mother's sentence weighed heavy on me as my fingers brushed the carvings on the lid. "I don't know. I guess I feel guilty that she's locked up because of me. I'm not sure I want to know what she might have to say."

Vega placed a hand on my shoulder. "Your mother is the greatest seer our guild has ever known. Believe me. Celeste has never done anything by accident. She reads people like we breathe air."

Sage let out a snort. "Leave it to you to have a mother with sight." She sat on the bed, pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs. "Geez, it's amazing you've managed to get into this much trouble. You think she would have warned you or something."

"Easy for you to say." Vega rolled her eyes. "It's a fine line of when to say something and when not to. Some people are particularly hard to get a read on too." She gave me a playful shove. "It's kind of a refreshing break from being overwhelmed with everyone's auras all the time. You on the other hand..." Vega's hazel eyes flashed a brief warm honey color.

"What? Am I that easy to read?"

Vega took a breath, tilted her head and nodded.

"Really?" She ran her hand across the blanket and looked up. "Well, at least I have nothing to hide."

Vega chuckled. "That's not entirely true." She tapped her chest then pulled on her necklace.

Sage's eye went wide, and she covered her hand over her chest where the Dekarta stone that laid beneath her shirt. "I can see how it would be hard to keep anything from you."

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me," Vega replied in a warm tone. "That piece of information was buried a little deeper. Most of the seers here wouldn't be able to read it, but any of the guild's chamber members could."

"Great. Now all of Acklemar will know I've got this stone."

"Nah, there's only five chamber members. And you've already met three of us," she said looking at Sage.

"I suppose meeting three of the guild's chamber hasn't been by accident," I said interrupting.

She shrugged, and the corners of her mouth turned up. "It's a seers responsibility to report all prophesies and visions to the counsel. At no time is a seer permitted to influence a foreseen outcome," she said like she was reciting something from a lesson book.

"Sure—and you had nothing to do with us arriving here." I picked up the box and gave it a shake. "I suppose I imagined the whirling clouds and flying portal."

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