Chapter Fifteen (Part Three)--Throwing the Torch

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I'm ALIVE! LOL. I live in Canada, near the rocky mountains where it snows quite a bit. About a week and a half ago I slipped getting out of my stupid truck. The result? I put my back out, tore a muscle in my shoulder and buggered up my wrist. Thank goodness for physiotherapy! Anyway, I know this chapter is a touch overdue, but I needed a few extra days to mend. I promise the next one is coming sooner than later. I'm starting it tonight and hope to have it to you this weekend (or earlier). Happy reading!

 Happy reading!

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"I'm gonna catch me a promotion." The guard whipped his arm and let loose a fire lasso.

Wren! Jaxon screamed inside my head. Shit is about to get real. Move it!

I rolled out of the flames way and knocked Rygar to the ground when I ran into him. The flaming lasso whipped the wall, blackening a spot just above our heads.

"Giving me a bigger target?" The guard pulled back his hand, and the flames receded. "I thought you were tactically trained. Guess I'm misinformed."

He waved his hand in a circular motion and ring of yellow-green flames spun in front of him growing larger by the second. He flicked his wrist, and a rope of flames shot directly at us.

I grabbed Rygar's hand and yanked him onto the Astral plane with me. The fiery line flew past where we'd just been and marked the floor with a black sooty ring.

The guard's head darted from side to side as if he was trying to assess where we had gone. He let out a frustrated guttural sound, flicked his hand and recoiled the flames.

"Gerald!" he called to the other guard. "There's been a breach, sound the alarm!"

"Sound the alarm?" Gerald said as he rounded the corner.

His mouth dropped open when saw the scorch marks on wall and floor. Gerald looked over to his partner for an explanation.

"I'm not getting in trouble for another one of your false alarms."

The guard pointed to the painting. "That girl is here."

Gerald's eyes went wide, then he turned and ran back out to the main foyer. A moment later a bell clanged throughout the Keep.

Rygar grabbed my other arm and helped me to my feet. Without looking back, we bolted to catch up to Nebula and Robin. Rygar's icy fingers wrapped around mine. We couldn't stay much longer on this plane, or we'd both be popsicles.

The bell continued to sound behind us as we skidded around the corner. Nebula and Robin stood at the end of the hallway waiting for us. They were already back on the physical plane trying to warm up, rubbing their arms.

"So much for the element of surprise," Robin said, now holding his ears. The tip of his nose was pink like he'd been outside in the cold a little too long.

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