Chapter Fourteen--Welcome to the Keep.

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Hi, All! So excited to have another chapter finished for you. Hope you like it!

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Josie stuck her head through the canvas tent door and gasped when she saw us. Two blisters were visible on the side of her neck and another large one on the back of her hand.

"Oh thank the circle," she said, letting her legs buckle beneath her. She scanned our faces, and her eyes stopped on Robin. "Who are you?"

Robin stared at her and lounged back on his elbows. "Funny, I could ask you the same thing."

"A friend of yours?" she said, directing her question at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that's a bad thing?" I answered.

"'Cause it probably is." She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. Her gaze floated to Nebula and then back to me. "Starting a new fashion trend in sleeping attire?"

Rygar laughed and untangled his legs from my dress. "You know, I'm not quite sure Wren does sleep."

"Everyone sleeps." Josie ducked under the tent flaps and sat at the end of sleeping bags.

"But not everyone closes their eyes and ends up at a Water Circle banquet," Nebula answered.

Josie's mouth dropped open. "And she managed to take you with her?"

Nebula gestured at her dress and hair. "What do you think?"

"Sorry. It's just that it shouldn't be—"

"Possible?" I said finishing her sentence. "Well, apparently that's a specialty of mine, even if I don't want it to be. Now, if I can close my eyes and zap my mother out of the Keep? That's an ability I'd be interested in."

"Well, unfortunately, the Fire Throne has blocked portal access into the Keep, or we would have attempted a rescue mission by now," Josie said.

"I may not be able to transport us to the keep, but as for getting us inside? No problem." Robin sat up and dusted himself off.

Rygar cringed, then shook his head. "And we're supposed to trust you?"

I pursed my lips and glared at Rygar, wishing he'd shut-up. The last thing I wanted was for Robin to change his mind on helping us.

Rygar scowled at Robin, then turned his attention to me. "What? He's Jaxon's best mate, and now he's all buddy with the Water Circle? Come on. He's a traitor. Who knows what he has planned."

"Newsflash dickhead, I don't need you to trust me. My loyalty's to her, not you."

Rygar clenched his fist until the color in his hands blanched white. His blue-grey eyes flashed like sunlight reflecting off a hot sheet of metal.

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