Chapter Eighteen (Part 2)--Can't touch this.

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HEELLLO Traveler fans! Here it is, the last chapter. THEN for ALL you KELLAN fans, book 3. Promise you'll see lots more of him right from the start. I'll post a preview of the next book here for you when it's ready. Stay tuned!

 Stay tuned!

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I had no idea how to respond to the bombshell he just dropped. It was as if every thought I ever had emptied onto the ground in front of me and I couldn't unscramble words fast enough to form a sentence. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, looking like an idiot.

"I..." my voice trailed off and I rubbed the back of my neck.

Run a kingdom? How do I do that? Hell, most mornings I stumbled over the junk on my floor attempting to make it to school on time. Organizing stuff wasn't my thing. My arms prickled, and I stared at my feet trying to rein in my panic.

"Wren?" Jaxon brushed the top of my hand with his fingers. "Say something."

I'd given him every reason to run away cursing me into the next century, and he'd stood by me through everything. A wave of guilt stuck in my throat making me choke on my thoughts.

"Why would you do this?" my voice cracked. "Aren't you afraid of your father? 'Cause he gonna freak out when he sees this." I pointed to my leg.

"Afraid of him?" He took a step closer and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "Nah."

I searched his gaze for a twinge of doubt—nothing. He believed what he said with an absolute resolve.

"There's only one thing that scares me." He licked his lips and dipped his head. "And it isn't him."

"Oh—?" I crammed my hands in my small pockets. "What's that?"

"You." He gave me a half smile.


He had to be joking. Jaxon's dad had tortured my family, killed my aunt, and crispified my face. Yeah, he was a real sweetheart in comparison to me.

"Afraid of me?" I scrunched my brows together trying to fathom why I scared him. I wasn't capable of any of the horrors Otis had done. "Why? I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're not?" He glanced up at me beneath his lashes.

His face crinkled, and he raised a brow in soft question. With the silence hanging between us, it dawned on me what he meant. I am an idiot. Of course, he's dying to know how I felt about him. It was one thing to win the bet, but I guess he understood he hadn't won me over yet.

I licked my lips. "Jax, I've never wanted to hurt you."

And that was the truth, but it didn't answer the question he silently asked, and I knew it.

He slowly shook his head, and a breeze caught his hair mussing it up. "I get it, but that's not what I'd like to know."

I glanced out over the valley. From this viewpoint, I could see for miles beyond the borders of the guild, and one thing was obvious—Kellan was nowhere in sight.

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