Chapter Four-Traitor

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(Astra speaking)

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(Astra speaking)

"Astra, did you see that?" Josie stopped walking and turned to see if I had seen it too.

It'd be hard to miss a flame that lit up the sky like a fireworks display. It would have taken some raw power to throw a torch of that size too. A few of the Fire Circle's guard could do it, but they wouldn't give away their position like that. That left—Wren.

"Josie, I think anyone within ten plains saw that flare go into the air," Rygar said rolling his eyes, throwing his hand into the sky.

"Knock it off you two. We aren't the only ones out—" Vega's words cut short. She stumbled at the same time her eyes sparked a bright blue. She gasped at the vision taking hold. Her hand outstretched searching for mine.

"I'm here, Vega," I said grasping her hand. The moment our skin touched, I was sucked into what she was seeing. The images were coming fast—too quick to watch the scene play out. The moons were high in the night sky, and the word traitor floated on the air. Wren was running through the trees with a stream of fire lighting the night sky behind her. No sooner than the clip began, the Circle forced us out, tossing us both on the ground.

I got up and dusted myself off. "That girl has a veil of protection around her so strong. It's amazing we saw that much." I reached down and helped Vega up. "You okay?"

She nodded. "If you hadn't grabbed my hand I would have lost that one before it began. What do you think? The moons were higher in the sky and more from that angle."

I looked to where she was pointing and nodded. "That's probably a plain from here and given where the moons are now. We have about a turn, maybe a turn and a half, if we're lucky to get there."

Rygar adjusted his bow and tightened the straps on his pack. "Looks like we have to move. Everyone up for a little nighttime jog?" He stretched out one leg, and then the other.

Josie sighed. "Do I have a choice?"

"Nope. And there aren't any gates set up around here. So it's just us against the elements," he said like he loved every minute of this.

"I hate you. You know that, right?"

"What? This was what we've been training for. It's about time we get to use our skills and athletic abilities." He started to jog down the path.

"Training's one thing, running's another," she grumbled.

I laughed. There was a reason why Josie was our best portal creator in the guild. She'd read every book in the library learning how to build gates in the most extreme conditions. When others had to jog to new locations to set up sites, she had figured out how to tap into existing portals avoiding the extra physical activity.

"You're not getting out of this one, I'm afraid." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"I know." She sighed and started down the path. "It doesn't mean I have to like it."

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