Chapter Ten-Busted (part two)

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Hi Everyone,  Here's the rest of chapter TEN.  Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading.

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I stood there speechless with my mouth gaping open not quite believing what he said

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I stood there speechless with my mouth gaping open not quite believing what he said.

Sage burst out laughing. "Seriously? A fifteen-year-old girl bested you?" She turned to me and said, "No offense girlfriend."

"Maybe you're not as close to Wren, or you might know—" Rygar said, grabbing a staff of his own from the rack.

"Listen, Stoney, I'm pretty sure I'm aware of Wren's unique talents. It's not her skills I was questioning." She leaned on her pole and watched Rygar approach.

"So you want to see my skills, now? Fine by me. Which one of you wants to go first?" He spun the staff in a repeating figure eight showing off the muscles in his arms. He flipped the pole over his leg, and then slammed it into the dirt.

"I'll go," I said, stepping in front of Sage.

Rygar studied me and gave a terse nod. "Let's get started then." He unclasped his cloak and tossed it over the rail. "You," he said peering over my shoulder at Sage, "might want to consider standing back, I wouldn't want anything to happen to that delicate neck of yours."

Sage groaned in outrage behind me. "I'll show you who's delicate when I wrap my hands around you," she mumbled.

Rygar squared off in front of me like he hadn't heard any of Sage's grumblings. I watched him spin his staff and take a step around me swiping the wooden pole underneath my feet. I landed on my butt with the momentum throwing me onto my back. My staff was thrown several feet away.

"What kind of teacher are you? It's not like I remember any martial arts training I may have had." I pushed myself to my feet.

"You'll absorb more of the lesson when you're thrown into action."

I think my butt absorbed more of that lesson than my brain did. It took everything in me not to rub my rear end and give him the satisfaction.

"Shake it off, girl!" Sage hollered from the rail where she sat next to Vega.

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