Chapter Eight (Part 2)-I'm a freak

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Another chapter is done! (This one is a little late due to my little one being sick for a week. Hope you'll forgive me.) Have fun reading. I'm looking forward to hearing your comments. If you find any edits I've missed please feel free to let me know. :)

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"Ya think?" Sage knelt down on the ground next to me and lifted my arm to get a better look at the wound. "You give a whole new meaning to the word sleepwalking."

"I wasn't sleepwalking," I said in defense. "I was completely aware of what was going on."

She raised an eyebrow and shook her head like she didn't believe me.

"Well, it sure felt like I was awake."

Sage sorted through the charms on her necklace until she held a pink-marbled stone between her fingers. "Uh-huh, you looked pretty asleep to me."

I dabbed the cut with the corner of the blanket. "How can I be asleep and manage to get injuries like this?"

"Now that's a question I'd love the answer to. All I know is when I rolled over and looked across the room, you weren't in that bed. I was about to check the hall to see where you'd gone, and I heard a loud noise behind me. That's when I found you lying in a heap on the floor."

She spun the pinkish stone around the chain and started to hum, then touched the stone to the end of the cut and then to the other. The rock bead turned bright red and my skin flared in pain. My eyes watered, and I tried to think of anything other than her stitching my arm back together. Instead, I focused on the pitch of her song wavering back and forth between two notes. With each new humming cycle, the wound seemed to stitch a little more closed. Beads of sweat dotted my forehead by the time she was done.

"There, good as new." She flipped my arm over and took a final look before placing it back down. "Or at least it will be in about a week. The skin needs some time to heal, but it's too early to tell if there will be a scar or not."

I stared at the thin crescent moon shaped mark, with a million questions running through my head. "I really wasn't in bed, was I?" I asked.

I noticed as she shook her head, her strawberry colored hair was matted down on one side from sleeping. "And you weren't on the floor when I got up to check the hall, or I would have stepped on you when I got out of bed."

I looked around the room. She was right. With the two beds pushed up against both walls, I was lying in the only space there was to walk.

"So dream traveler," she said climbing back onto the bed, "What was your dream about?" Sage propped her head in her hands and gave me an eager smile. "I'm sure this one's a good-er." When she saw I was still deciding on whether or not to tell her what happened, she rolled over so her head was hanging upside-down over the edge of the bed. "Pleeeaaase?"

"You're not going to let it go, are you?" I said, getting to my feet.

"Not a chance." She rolled back over and wrapped the covers around her. "So, spill already."

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