Chapter Three -Lady's Sphere

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Hi, Traveler fans! Here's the last part of chapter three. Horray...on time with a poster of the boys. Hope you like it!  

 Hope you like it!  

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Jax, I am not your girl. A wave of emotions flushed through our connection. I could feel my words dig into him and open the wounds of our past.

All right, I probably deserved that. Jax said pushing aside the hurt I'd just thrown at him. But as it stands, you and I are promised. If you like, we can argue about the contract, or I can help you kick Kellan's butt. Your choice.

I had my eyes closed and was trying to concentrate on my task. But a crunching sound of straw breaking interrupted my thoughts. It made me think Kellan was standing in the field next to our camp. He'd need some grass or straw to fuel that spark into a full flame.

"Keep fanning, Robin," Kellan hollered.

Tick, tick, tick, time's running out, Jax said invading my mind.

I took a deep breath and shook out my hands. Okay, Fire Sensei, what's the trick?

You need to think about something that makes you angry.

A series of images floated through my head. Gran not telling me about my past, Kellan invading my thoughts, Jaxon burning my ankle...

If you use that last one, Jax interjected, I'm totally not going to help you. A guy has to maintain some dignity.

Can't you help without peering into my thoughts too? Trying to do this is hard enough, without you evaluating how I feel. I'll use the one with Gran, okay? So, now what?

Put yourself back in the moment, rethink how you felt. Focus on your emotions.

I remembered how angry I was. How I felt like Gran betrayed me by not telling me about my past. She was my grandmother and supposed to support me, not hide things from me. My hands and the back of my arm started to tingle.

Good. Now hold your closed hand in front of you. Feel the raw emotion burn through you and build until it needs to release.

My mind kept looping the angry backlash I threw at Gran,'You knew about Acklemar. My parents didn't die. Did they? There was no accident!' Each time the words looped, the madder I got. The tension grew inside of me.

Okay, open your hand slowly and imagine your anger is something you can push through you. But push it only—

I slammed my clutched fingers free and felt a heat rush past my face. My eyes snapped open, and I watched a flame launch thirty feet in the air off my palm. Holy crap.

 Holy crap

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