Chapter Five - Remember

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My heart beat in my throat and made it hard to breathe. I swallowed, feeling my guilt rise and churn in the pit of my stomach.

"Kellan, I..." I was at a loss for words. What could I say? If I were him, I'd be mad too.

His eyes glimmered a faint blue, and he shifted his stance. "Wren, it wasn't..." he said aloud and then changed to speaking in my head, like I thought Jaxon couldn't talk to you. I just...

I bit my lip. What?

He shook his head and pursed his lips. I thought you'd tell me. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

His words cut through me like a knife. The guilt oozed out of me. I licked my lips and lifted my eyes to his. He—

Kellan held up a hand for me to hold my thought and looked around. There are too many people watching us. I don't want to give them a reason to suspect there's more to—us.

Well, at least he was still saying us, I thought. I wiped my hands on my jeans and pretended to glance around for Sage. The two guards glared at me, then glanced at Kellan. I turned and started walking toward Sage trying to throw them off from suspecting anything. With my back turned to him I said, When I attempted to light the fire—Jax somehow knew what I was doing. That's when he connected to my thoughts. I told him I wasn't his girl and to get out my head.

I know. That's the biggest reason why I'm still standing here. But that's not what this about. Is it?

"So not to brag, but that was awesome!" Sage said throwing an arm over my shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?"

It's about trust— He walked past me. Come on, he grumbled, indicating this conversation wasn't over. We need to get moving. There are more guards around here, he paused, Remember?

Reciting Jaxon's warning was the swell that capsized me. I was drowning in my own guilt. When I looked up at him, he shook his head, his eyes icy blue. He wasn't mad—the look on his face was worse than that. A picture of disappointment hung on him so heavy it made my chest ache.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I replied turning back to Sage. Nope, not okay, but I wasn't about to say that aloud.

A quick whistle caught our attention. "Hey, are you two coming?" Robin asked pointing to the path in front of him. "Or are you waiting for the group of guards heading this way? From what I can tell there's five more coming from that direction."

"I don't know how much help I'd be with five more." Sage looked over her shoulder at the two injured guards on the ground. "Those two tapped me of any extra energy I had."

"Personally, I think it's amazing you're even standing. Maybe stick close to Robin. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to help you." I grinned at the thought of him wrapping his arm around her.

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