Chapter Thirteen - Keep and Key (Part Three)

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Things are heating up! HOPE you like the latest installment. Another post in about seven days, so stay tuned. Hugs all!

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I tore Nebula's fingers from my arm, and the Fire Circle's throne room evaporated from view. My hands covered my mouth, and I stared at my plate trying to breathe.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kellan asked, putting his fork down. He rubbed my back with his hand and glanced over at Nebula.

When I angled my head in her direction, I could see the news was hitting her equally as hard. She had her hand on chest and was blinking back tears in an attempt to maintain a shred of composure in front of everyone.

"All right, I give. What did Jaxon do now?" Kellan asked.

Nebula dabbed a napkin to her eyes, then put her arm around me. "Not Jaxon—Otis. He just declared..."

Her words cut short as they caught in her throat. I took a deep breath and just blurted it out for her.

"My mother's to be executed in the morning."

The words sounded surreal like they couldn't be possible. God, if only that were true.

A man with impeccably terrible timing stopped in front of our table. Even though I stared at my plate, I could still see his tan trousers beyond the table linens. I cast my eyes up just as he stooped into a deep bow, and when he lifted his head his eyes met mine.

"Robin..." My mind was still trying to process what Otis had just announced.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Robin paused a moment furrowing his brow, "or should I ask what making your eyes sore? You look like someone died. Wait—" His eyes ran the length of the table. "Where's Sage?"

"Great, it's the beau wannabe." Rygar held out his fork in Robin's direction. "We weren't sure which side you were on, so we thought we'd toss you Kellan's direction and let him sort it out."

Robin's brow wrinkled as he glared at Rygar. Then he forced his hand into his pockets, not lifting his stare. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what you think," Rygar said separating each word for emphasis.

When I turned to tell Rygar to knock it off, I noticed the water lilies in the pool behind us were all floating behind his seat. Their vines had already silently crept beyond the water's border and extended toward him. Their leaves dripped water onto the floor as the guys antagonized each other further.

All I wanted was to figure out how to rescue my mom and here I was playing referee. I placed my hand on the table to steady myself. "Would you two knock it off?"

"What? He started it." Robin pointed at Rygar.

"That doesn't mean you need to finish it," I said gesturing to the lilies.

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