Chapter Thirteen--So Romantic (part one)

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Hi All!  I started writing this chapter and it seemed to go on and on! This might be one of my longest posts ever. Hope you like it. :)


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Concerned about me disappearing in my sleep, Rygar had a hand on my shoulder and Nebula held my fingers in hers. I couldn't help smile with the two of them trying to protect me as I drifted off to sleep.

Exhausted from the day, sleep enveloped me almost the moment I lay my head down. My thoughts spiraled like leaves scattering on the wind. In the distance, I heard someone say my name. I recognized Kellan's voice when he said my name again. It drew me in like a magnet until I found myself standing in his room staring at a girl draped over his bed.

"You weren't kidding..." Rygar said from behind me. "Now that beats portal travel any day."

"Rygar," Nebula whispered scolding him. "Not now..."

I dragged my eyes from the beautiful girl in the emerald gown to Kellan, who was facing a window overlooking the ocean below. The two Acklemarian moons shone high in the night sky in front of him as he finished flipping a t-shirt on over his tanned skin.

"Ah..." the girl said clearing her throat. "Kellan, you have visitors."

The girl stood up and clasped her hands behind her back.

Anger rose and bubbled through me as I stared at her. Last time I was in his room, he shoved me under the bed to hide me. Who the hell is she?

"Wren!" Kellan said like he was excited to see me.

He started to walk over in my direction until I threw up my hand in front of me.

"Sorry. We didn't know you were—busy." I turned to leave, and Rygar and Nebula started to move toward the door.

"Wren, what are you talking about?" He looked over at the girl. "Oh geez—you don't think, Elena and I..."

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me so I could see his face. "Elena's my sister. We were just talking about you and I being partners."

The girl waved a delicate hand, then held out her dress and curtsied. "Nice to see you again Wren. I might be a little taller than the last time you saw me."

"Sorry." I cringed. "I thought you and—"

"Kellan?" She wrinkled her nose and giggled. "No way. He's a moody, cocky, overbearing, and a pain in the butt." She held up four fingers in the air. "But as far as big brothers go, I guess that's expected."

"Hey, you forgot handsome and thoughtful," Kellan replied, straightening his shirt.

"Thoughtful? You?" Elena said with a look of disbelief. "All you ever do is think up new ways to play practical jokes on me, getting me in trouble."

"See how much I love you?" Kellan wrapped his arm around her, undid her hair tie and messed up her auburn locks with his hand. "Don't undervalue how much time those take to come up with."

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