Chapter Thirteen- Changing the Rules (Part 2)

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Hi Everyone! Another post coming at ya and the heat is turning up in Wren's world. Hope you like it!

"Ladies, you'll have to wait to catch up with Wren," Kellan said, intertwining his fingers with mine

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"Ladies, you'll have to wait to catch up with Wren," Kellan said, intertwining his fingers with mine.

The brunette girl's shoulders slumped, then Elena sighed and said with her voice laced with disappointment, "We know, the dinner is about to start."

No sooner than we had the chance to make a few paces toward the head table, a man resembling Kellan and his sister approached us.

"Kellan, you're back," the man said, stating the obvious.

Kellan slipped his fingers free of mine, then shook the man's hand. "Seems so," he said in a flat rigid tone.

"I got back just now from the meeting of circles, or I would have insisted on a reception for you yesterday."

Their exchange was oddly formal, and lacking in the warmth Kellan usually displayed. It was evident there was more to their conversation than I could make out.

"Ah, Wren, you're looking more beautiful than ever." The man bowed and lifted my hand to his lips. "After witnessing your grand entrance, I can see why my brother has been gone so long."

Of course he'd think that. Kellan growled in my thoughts. When I glanced over, his teeth were clenched and looked like he wanted to punch Stephan.

Think what? I asked, feeling totally clueless. I resisted the urged to scrub the back of my hand against my dress.

Stephan, my not so charming older brother, might be the most power hungry person in this room. He's also our second.

I glanced back at Stephan in time to catch him drag his eyes over my frame like he was evaluating Kellan's choice to take me for a partner.

He thinks you went after me to gain power?

Yes. Kellan's anger soared through me as he watched Stephan's eyes creep over me. Stephan's so power blind. He wouldn't know what love was even if Cupid bit him.

"My dear," Stephan said pausing in thought, "you may change my mind about Weavers yet."

I knew I didn't want to know what that meant when I saw the corners of his lips turned up. Then he gave Kellan a curt nod and walked off.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked when Stephan was out of range.

Let just say, he doesn't think very highly of Weavers.

"Oh—?" I looked over my shoulder and watched him saunter back to his table. "Then I'm surprised he'd consider lowering himself to say hello."

"After witnessing you travel without portals?" Kellan said as we walked toward our table. "If I know Stephan, and I do, I'm sure he's more than curious about your abilities."

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