Chapter Ten-Spellbound

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The smell of smoke wafting from Rygar's jacket numbed my senses as I walked. With lead feet, I dragged myself down the dirt path toward the training arena. My mother's actions weighed heavy on my mind. Why would anyone erase a person's memories? Especially their daughter, someone they supposedly cared about. I kicked a rock and it bounced twice before came to a halt in the grass.

Sage took a bite out of the muffin she'd swiped from the mess hall. "What do you think your mother's reason was?" she asked, as she wiped the crumbs from her lips.

I shrugged and stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "I don't know. I'd tell you if I could remember," I replied, staring down and my toes.

"Okay, that wasn't funny," she said, nudging me with her shoulder as we walked. "I'm sure your mother cares about you, or she would have told the Fire Circle exactly where you were years ago. So stop sulking already."

She had a point, but I still couldn't help feeling betrayed by my mother's actions. "Yeah—I guess."

"Hey, wait up!" Vega hollered behind us, half out of breath. The skirts of her long blue-grey dress kicked up as she ran. Her dress was plain and lacked decoration like most of the uniforms the Travelers wore. It was clear there were a few different styles of required dress for duty, but they were all the same distinct color. Guild members that were off duty wore pretty much whatever they pleased from what I could tell.

"Wanted to...catch you," Vega said, stammering for breath. She took in a deep inhale then let it out. "I sprinted most the way here." She glanced back over her shoulder as if to assess the distance. "I thought you'd want to know I got into the Hall of Records to look for prophecies." She reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out a paper. "Here," she said, handing the parchment to me.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at the paper.

She paused in thought, then said, "I don't know exactly. I had the registry open checking a few references I wanted to look up when I ran my finger down the column of prophesy numbers and the print shifted."

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