Chapter Three-Full Flame

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Hi, Traveler fans! Another chapter! I'm totally getting a kick out writing this story. Hope you all like it too! I've done lots of writing this week but mostly editing on Dream Weaver stuff. Once I get through the editing, my full attention will be back on this book. Next chapter, one week away! Thanks for reading. :)

I cleared my throat

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I cleared my throat. "A prophecy? About me?"

She cringed and twisted a piece of Kellan's towel in her hands.

If her reaction was anything to go by, this wasn't going to be good. "You might as well tell me. I'm thinking the worst anyway."

She glanced down at her lap and nodded. "We had to read, The Traveler's Guiding Prophecies as part of our training in our guild. I remember the one about you, though. It spoke about a girl that had two marks of promise on her. Which I thought was odd, probably the reason why I remember it, since it's supposed to be impossible. That is—until now. But there they are. Huh?"

"Yeah, cool. This is how I've always pictured getting engaged," I said in a sarcastic tone throwing my arms in the air motioning to the dirt ground and leafy walls.

She laughed. "Yeah, I guess not. But Kellan's hot. Jaxon's not bad looking either."

"It's Jax's temper that I don't care for," I said rubbing my ankle. "What else? Did the prophecy say anything important I should know?"

"There was something about destroying or bridging the worlds..."

"Destroying the world?" What? Now I was starting to freak-out. "Details. Come on. What else do you remember?"

"Uh, it wasn't like I thought I was ever going to have to recite it verbatim. That prophecy has been around for centuries and the pages are tattered in our guild book. It did say something about saving the world or was it the one..."

The word "destroy" sat in my thoughts. "Great, not sure that's going to matter if I manage to blow us all up or somehow zap us into another dimension. I have no idea what I'm doing with these crazy abilities. I can't even tell you how I got us back on Acklemar."

"There might be more information in the official hall of records. It's under to Traveler's protection. There are hundreds of recorded prophecies there. My guild would've only had a portion of your prophecy. So even if I could remember more, I'm not sure I'd have all the information anyway."

"Why's that?"

"Too much information about the future can be dangerous," she said like she'd been told the answer a hundred times before. "So, when a seer has a vision, it's recorded. Then each guild is given only the information they need if they have something to do with the prophecy."

I gasped. "Do you think Kellan might know more?"

"It's possible. You could ask."

"Come on, let's find out." I paused and watched her tuck the necklace back under her shirt. "Are you sure you're okay?"

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