Chapter Seventeen

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Hi, All! ANSWERS? are a couple. More coming in the next half of the chapter, I'll post that next weekend. Hope you like the latest post. :)

My mind floated in and out of a foggy dream that seemed to last for days

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My mind floated in and out of a foggy dream that seemed to last for days. In the distance, angry voices swirled then faded away to murmurs. The sterile smell of bleach, made me crinkle my nose and turn away.

Brief images of vines tearing Otis' leg flashed through my thoughts. His screams reverberated inside my skull, when I thought I couldn't take anymore they dissipated to the sounds of the waves lapping the shore.

A cool breeze washed my face, and a familiar ocean scent called to me. I looked up through the rainbow colored rain that drizzled down my hot cheeks. Kellan sat on the edge of a small bed with a teal blue light reflecting through the cracks in the wooden floorboards.

I squinted at the misty scene and tried to figure out where he might be but I didn't recognize the bare, utility style room that had replaced the grandeur of the Citadel.

"Wren?" He lowered his head and ran a shaky hand through his hair. "Please, answer me," his voice cracked.

Sadness filled his words and made my heart ache. He pulled the blanket from the bed, wrapped it around him, then dragged his feet onto the mattress and leaned against the wall.

"Please," he whispered. The sound of the water washing against the shoreline made it difficult to hear him.

"I heard him talking to you." He swallowed and rubbed his hands on his knees. "You know, your conversation with Jaxon. Yeah, I pretty much caught all of it. I'm glad he helped you get your mom, but that doesn't mean I want to see him with you."

"I don't know, maybe you haven't heard me or just can't." He sighed. "Maybe this..." He kissed his fingertips then place them on his flourish.

"Entwined is my heart, even when we're apart, from the circle above, may you feel my love."

Two stones around his neck flashed and my chest pulsed as if he had placed his fingers on me. Then a splash of warmth surged through his flourish and made my skin tingle. My heart quickened, and my mouth went dry.

"Kellan, I'm here," I called.

When he didn't look up, I stretched out a hand trying to reach him but my fingers plunged through the mirage, and the scene disappeared.

I tumbled head over heels through the thick waves of smoke and landed on a hard bench at the end of a work table covered in botanicals. I let out a whimper and glanced around the tiny room to get my bearings.

A familiar looking man leaned over the end of the table chopping herbs next to a cauldron bubbling over a fire. He scooped up some leaves in front of him, then dumped them into the rolling liquid.

A rattle at the door made the two of us jerked our heads in the direction of the noise. When he looked up from his work, I saw his face, I let out a gasp.

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