Chapter Eleven-- One Hundred Percent

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WHEW! This chapter seemed to just keep going and going. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much for all your comments and votes—I appreciate them all. Hope you enjoy the latest update.  

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A groan of complaint sounded from the library door as Vega pushed it open

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A groan of complaint sounded from the library door as Vega pushed it open. Even from where we stood, the coldness of the room was noticeable to me, probably because all of the windows were propped open airing the room out. The lingering smell of smoke reminded me of Astra's look of horror watching her beloved books up in flame. I swallowed hard trying to wash down the guilty feeling rising in me. I still had to visit with Astra later. I sighed at the thought. Like that conversation isn't going to be awkward.

"Not that I don't like seeing Rygar put in his place—but why don't you like him?" Vega asked, glancing over her shoulder at Sage.

"What, besides kidnapping me, demanding my presence at the crack of dawn, insulting my skills and trying to beat my friend over her head with a stick?" When a breeze blew through the window next to us, Sage rubbed her goosebumped covered arms. "Other than that, he's awesome."

"Well, since you put it that way," Vega replied.

"Maybe it's because he hauled us off before she got a follow-up kiss from Robin," I said stretching Robin's name out in a childlike sing-song way.

Sage's cheeks flushed. "I'd love that—but that's not the reason." She ran her hand along the dust-covered bookshelf leaving a trail mapping our route back to the stairs.

"I don't know. I guess he reminds me of someone I once knew." The hesitation in her voice hung in the air suggesting there was more to be said—but she wasn't volunteering it.

"Cole?" Vega said filling in the silence.

Sage halted like someone had pulled the emergency cord on a train, and I bumped into her from behind. "How—?" she asked.

Vega smiled and tapped the side of her head. "Sorry, bad habit. It's impossible to turn off the information I read from people. The only thing I can do is pretty much limit what I say, and even that proves to be difficult."

"So, did you break Cole's fingers too?" I asked, following the two of them up the stairs to the second floor of the library.

"No—but I should have." She shook her head knowing I wanted to find out more about Cole, then whispered, "Later—we don't have much time before Astra's gets back."

"Speaking of broken fingers," Vega said, pausing for us to catch up at the top of the landing. "When you see Rygar, don't be surprised if he's less than happy to see Sage—especially with our healer out sick."

"Hold up," I said, sliding my palm along the handrail. "There's only one healer on staff?"

"No—two. The other is away on scheduled rounds in rural areas of the guild. She won't be back for a couple of days."

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